Comic Book: Avengers (1998 series)

Volume 3: after the events of HEROES REBORN, the Avengers returned to Marvel's regular continuity, picking up where they left off as Earth's mightiest heroes.

Data Sheet:
Feb 1998 to Aug 2004

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Captain America
Captain America

(Steve Rogers)
Scarlet Witch
Scarlet Witch

(Wanda Maximoff)
Iron Man
Iron Man

(Tony Stark)
Avengers #1
Avengers #1

(Feb 1998)

Comics Index

Page: 1 of 4

Indexed Comics: 89

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Avengers #0
Avengers #0
4 stars

Avengers #0

August 1999
"Our top story tonight"
Script: Kurt Busiek
A metal hand tunes in to a rebooted TV series about superheroes called The All-New It's Amazing hosted by Mac Sanders and Diane Cummings, who appeared in *all* of the various Star Kings TV series. And the 1st episode of the new run is about the current Avengers.It starts with some recent history. [...]
Avengers #1
Avengers #1
4.5 stars

Avengers #1

February 1998
"Once an Avenger..."
Script: Kurt Busiek
The heroes (and Dr Doom) who sacrificed themselves to defeat Onslaught in the Onslaught: Marvel Universe 1-shot turned out to have been recreated in a new universe in the 4 Heroes Reborn limited series. [...]
Avengers #2
Avengers #2
4.5 stars

Avengers #2

March 1998
"The Call"
Script: Kurt Busiek
Last issue Morgan Le Fay used Norn Stones and deviousness to capture Scarlet Witch, and with *her* powers she gained control of the Asgardian Twilight Sword. And with that she was able to change reality. The results are presented here. Last issue's action ended in the ruins of Tintagel Castle. [...]
Avengers #3
Avengers #3
4.5 stars

Avengers #3

April 1998
"Fata Morgana"
Script: Kurt Busiek
Morgan Le Fay has used captive Scarlet Witch and the Asgardian Twilight Sword to rewrite reality of Earth to a medieval world which she rules from Tintagel Castle in Cornwall. And most Avengers past and present have been transformed into her soldiers, the Queen's Vengeance. [...]
Avengers #4
Avengers #4
4.5 stars

Avengers #4

May 1998
"Too Many Avengers!"
Script: Kurt Busiek
In #1-3 a whole load of mostly ex-Avengers were dragged into conflict with Morgan Le Fay. That's all over but (despite some of them appearing elsewhere in between) most of them are still hanging around. We start with a flashback, via news report, to an incident the day before this issue. [...]
Avengers #5
Avengers #5
4.5 stars

Avengers #5

June 1998
"Accusation Most Foul"
Script: Kurt Busiek
Thor returns to Avengers Mansion after more lack of success locating the missing Asgardians. But he has found some missing artefacts, and brings the Casket Of Ancient Winters to the Mansion for safe storage. [...]
Avengers #6
Avengers #6
4.5 stars

Avengers #6

July 1998
"Earth's Mightiest Frauds?"
Script: Kurt Busiek
Last issue the Squadron Supreme attacked the Avengers while they were on a rescue mission claiming that they were fakes. [...]
Avengers #7
Avengers #7
4.5 stars

Avengers #7

August 1998
"The Court Martial of Carol Danvers"
Script: Kurt Busiek
This is the concluding part 4 of the Live Kree Or Die crossover featuring Warbird, continuing from QUICKSILVER #10.In Iron Man #7 Tony Stark confronted Carol Danvers about her drinking problem. But they were attacked by the Kree Lunatic Legion who stole a prototype power generator. [...]
Avengers #8
Avengers #8
4 stars

Avengers #8

September 1998
Script: Kurt Busiek
Avengers butler Edwin Jarvis gets time off to go to the airport to meet a little girl from Costa Verde. He's been sponsoring Maria de Guadalupe Santiago and now her village is sending her to a school in New York. [...]
Avengers #9
Avengers #9
4 stars

Avengers #9

October 1998
"The villain who fell from grace with the earth"
Script: Kurt Busiek
Captain America, Firestar, Hawkeye and Iron Man swim underwater towards Moses Magnum's floating base in the Caribbean. It is officially the resort vessel Evangeline for the super-rich, and Justice, Scarlet Witch and their new teen ally Silverclaw are inside undercover. [...]
Avengers #10
Avengers #10
4.5 stars

Avengers #10

November 1998
"Pomp and Pageantry"
Script: Kurt Busiek
It's the anniversary of the founding of the Avengers and New York is holding an Avengers Day Parade. Megan McLaren is reporting from amongst the crowd while Chili Storm and Stuntmaster are hosting the event in the reviewing stand. [...]
Avengers #11
Avengers #11
4.5 stars

Avengers #11

December 1998
"...Always an Avenger!"
Script: Kurt Busiek
Scarlet Witch drives back from her meeting with her witch mentor Agatha Harkness totally oblivious to the fact that her team-mates were ambushed during the Avengers Day Parade by Grim Reaper and a team of dead Avengers. [...]
Avengers #12
Avengers #12
4.5 stars

Avengers #12

January 1999
"Old entanglements"
Script: Kurt Busiek
Kurt Busiek's favourite news anchor is here again to report on the Thunderbolts, the heroes who were exposed as Masters Of Evil in disguise but then turned against their leader. Most of them have since been seen battling a robot Hulk (their #16), Graviton (#17) and new Masters Of Evil (#18-20). [...]
Avengers #13
Avengers #13
4.5 stars

Avengers #13

February 1999
"Lords and leaders"
Script: Kurt Busiek
It's night on the Manhattan waterfront and the 'Junior' Gates mob have some hi-tech guns to expand their territory with. But then some pesky superheroes get in the way. They think it's the Avengers, but despite the presence of Firestar and Justice it's not. [...]
Avengers #14
Avengers #14
4.5 stars

Avengers #14

March 1999
"Hi, Honey...I'm Home!"
Script: Kurt Busiek
This issue includes a running gag of Kurt Busiek interrupting George Perez' pencilling to change the scene.We start with an opening page of police unable to stop a new super-strong baddie Pagan. [...]
Avengers #15
Avengers #15
4.5 stars

Avengers #15

April 1999
"The Three-Fold Path"
Script: Kurt Busiek
It's the opening of the new HQ of the Triune Understanding in Calleyville, Texas and it's most famous member Triathlon gives an acrobatic display and an inspiring speech. Then he hands over to their leader Jonathan Tremont who gives another 1. [...]
Avengers #16
Avengers #16
4.5 stars

Avengers #16

May 1999
"Mistaken Identity"
Script: Jerry Ordway
Last issue the Wrecking Crew were teleported away from their successful bank robbery. It's the armoured being who we understand freed them from jail and boosted their flagging powers. He subdues them with a tachyon blast and says now it's time for them to do the job he freed them for. [...]
Avengers #17
Avengers #17
4.5 stars

Avengers #17

June 1999
"Cage of Freedom"
Script: Jerry Ordway
Last issue the Wrecking Crew were sent by a mysterious (robot) boss to bring him Ms Marvel (now Warbird) but instead they captured Photon (who used to be Captain Marvel). The angry boss remotely triggered their comms device to disintegrate them. [...]
Avengers #18
Avengers #18
4.5 stars

Avengers #18

July 1999
"The Battle for Imperion City!"
Script: Jerry Ordway
In #16 Photon (Monica Rambeau) was whisked off to other-dimensional Polemachus as a captive of the Wrecking Crew. Last issue some Avengers followed her here to find the capital Imperion City in flames and ruins. [...]
Avengers #19
Avengers #19
4.5 stars

Avengers #19

August 1999
"This Evil Renewed"
Script: Kurt Busiek
The Wakanda Design Group's Long Island factory builds quinjets for the Avengers (since Stark Enterprises became Stark-Fujikawa after the Onslaught event and lost the contract). (They were originally designed by Black Panther himself(?) and introduced in #61 of the 1st volume. [...]
Avengers #20
Avengers #20
4.5 stars

Avengers #20

September 1999
"This Evil Unfolding"
Script: Kurt Busiek
Captain America, Firestar, Iron Man, Justice (levitating rather than using crutches to cope with his broken leg) and Thor are visiting the Pentagon along with Black Panther. [...]
Avengers #21
Avengers #21
4.5 stars

Avengers #21

October 1999
"Ultron Unlimited Part Three: This Evil Unveiled"
Script: Kurt Busiek
Last issue Ultron-16 and his robots invaded Slorenia, killing the population and wrecking the place. Now UN troops have been sent in to retake the country but they're getting slaughtered. [...]
Avengers #22
Avengers #22
4.5 stars

Avengers #22

November 1999
"Ultron Unlimited Part Four: This Evil Triumphant!"
Script: Kurt Busiek
Ultron-16 and his robots invaded Slorenia and killed everyone, and later turned the dead bodies into slaved cyborg warriors. The UN have sent troops in to take back the country with 5 Avengers (Black Panther, Captain America, Firestar, Iron Man and Thor) in support. [...]
Avengers #23
Avengers #23
4.5 stars

Avengers #23

December 1999
Script: Kurt Busiek
Some Avengers (Captain America, Firestar, Iron Man and Thor) are having a training session in the Combat Simulation Room. Cap is exulting in the performance of his old shield, recently mended and restored to him in his own #22. That happened in Wakanda with the help of Black Panther. [...]
Avengers #24
Avengers #24
4.5 stars

Avengers #24

January 2000
"Harsh Judgments"
Script: Kurt Busiek
On the edge of Manhattan a homeless man is woken from his sleep among some bags of rubbish. A heavy man thunders past saying that someones are after him and only the Avengers can stop them. (Those who read the end of last issue may guess who it is and who's chasing him. [...]


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