Comic Book: Marvel Two-In-One (1974 series)

Popular team-up title in which the ever-lovin' blue-eyed Thing joined forces with a host of heroes--famous and obscure--to battle villains and cause a ruckus!

Data Sheet:
Jan 1974 to Jun 1983

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.


(Ben Grimm)
Captain America
Captain America

(Steve Rogers)
Iron Man
Iron Man

(Tony Stark)
Mr. Fantastic
Mr. Fantastic

(Reed Richards)

Comics Index

Page: 1 of 4

Indexed Comics: 100

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Marvel Two-In-One #1
Marvel Two-In-One #1
0 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #1

January 1974
"Vengeance of the Molecule Man!"
Script: Steve Gerber
Marvel Two-In-One #2
Marvel Two-In-One #2
0 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #2

March 1974
"Manhunters from the Stars!"
Script: Steve Gerber
Marvel Two-In-One #3
Marvel Two-In-One #3
0 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #3

May 1974
"Inside Black Spectre!"
Script: Steve Gerber
Marvel Two-In-One #4
Marvel Two-In-One #4
4 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #4

July 1974
"Doomsday 3014!"
Script: Steve Gerber
A surly Ben “the Thing” Grimm takes his unwanted ward, the childlike superhero Wundarr, to the Central Park Zoo. While Ben is distracted buying cotton candy and griping about the situation, Wundarr frees all the animals from their cages. [...]
Marvel Two-In-One #5
Marvel Two-In-One #5
3 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #5

September 1974
"Seven against the Empire!"
Script: Steve Gerber
New York, 3014: The Zoms deliver their unconscious prisoners—Thing, Captain America, and Sharon Carter—to their Badoon overlords. The leader Drang questions them but Cap awakens and insists he is a free man. [...]
Marvel Two-In-One #6
Marvel Two-In-One #6
4 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #6

November 1974
"Death-Song of Destiny!"
Script: Steve Gerber
Doctor Strange and Clea are on a Manhattan subway platform with several other people: a drunk named Alvin Denton, two punks, Nick Cromer and Duff Coogan, a young couple, Sheldon and Renee Goldenberg, plus a young girl playing a harmonica. [...]
Marvel Two-In-One #7
Marvel Two-In-One #7
4 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #7

January 1975
"Name That Doom!"
Script: Steve Gerber
Homeless alcoholic Alvin Denton is sitting in the park when he is snatched up by Valkyrie riding Aragorn and they vanish…. Doctor Strange and the Thing look into the Crystal of Agamotto in search of Valkyrie but the device shows her in Cobbler’s Roost, Vermont, not Manhattan. [...]
Marvel Two-In-One #8
Marvel Two-In-One #8
0 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #8

March 1975
"Silent Night... ...Deadly Night!"
Script: Steve Gerber
Marvel Two-In-One #9
Marvel Two-In-One #9
0 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #9

May 1975
"When a God Goes Mad!"
Script: Steve Gerber
Marvel Two-In-One #10
Marvel Two-In-One #10
0 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #10

July 1975
"Is This the Day the World Ends?"
Script: Chris Claremont
Marvel Two-In-One #11
Marvel Two-In-One #11
0 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #11

September 1975
"The Thing Goes South!"
Script: Roy Thomas
Marvel Two-In-One #12
Marvel Two-In-One #12
3.5 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #12

November 1975
"The Stalker in the Sands"
Script: Bill Mantlo
In Israel’s Negev Desert, Tony Stark is planning the test launch of a spacecraft called Pattycake One, piloted by Ben “The Thing” Grimm, the man most likely to walk away from an accident. Because of the heat exhaust, the ship is being fired from a silo. [...]
Marvel Two-In-One #13
Marvel Two-In-One #13
0 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #13

January 1976
"I Created Braggadoom! The Mountain That Walked like a Man!"
Script: Roger Slifer
Marvel Two-In-One #14
Marvel Two-In-One #14
0 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #14

March 1976
"Ghost Town!"
Script: Bill Mantlo
Marvel Two-In-One #15
Marvel Two-In-One #15
0 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #15

May 1976
"The Return of the Living Eraser!"
Script: Bill Mantlo
Marvel Two-In-One #16
Marvel Two-In-One #16
0 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #16

June 1976
"Into the Savage Land!"
Script: Bill Mantlo
Marvel Two-In-One #17
Marvel Two-In-One #17
0 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #17

July 1976
"This City-- Afire!"
Script: Bill Mantlo
Marvel Two-In-One #18
Marvel Two-In-One #18
0 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #18

August 1976
"Dark, Dark Demon-Night!"
Script: Scott Edelman
Marvel Two-In-One #19
Marvel Two-In-One #19
4 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #19

September 1976
"Claws of the Cougar!"
Script: Bill Mantlo
Ben “the Thing” Grimm is sleeping peacefully in the Baxter Building when Tigra the Were-Woman creeps into his room and wakes him, after a few tries, jars him awake. He is glad that he knocked out the building’s burglar alarm the previous night or she would have been electrocuted on entering. [...]
Marvel Two-In-One #20
Marvel Two-In-One #20
0 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #20

October 1976
"Showdown at Sea!"
Script: Roy Thomas
Marvel Two-In-One #21
Marvel Two-In-One #21
3 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #21

November 1976
"Black Sun Lives!"
Script: Bill Mantlo
In 1976, the Thing and Human Torch receive a visitor at the Baxter Building: Janice Lightner, asking them to stop her brother Tom Lightner, obsessed with recreating their late father Raymond’s experiments with a stellar cannon to draw the power of the heavens into a human body. [...]
Marvel Two-In-One #22
Marvel Two-In-One #22
0 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #22

December 1976
"Touch Not the Hand of Seth!"
Script: Bill Mantlo
Marvel Two-In-One #23
Marvel Two-In-One #23
0 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #23

January 1977
"Death on the Bridge to Heaven!"
Script: Bill Mantlo
Marvel Two-In-One #24
Marvel Two-In-One #24
0 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #24

February 1977
"Does Anyone Remember...The Hijacker!?"
Script: Jim Shooter
Marvel Two-In-One #25
Marvel Two-In-One #25
0 stars

Marvel Two-In-One #25

March 1977
"A Tale of Two Countries!"
Script: Marv Wolfman


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Version 14.8.58 (Jan 24, 2025 - VS22)

Copyright © 1997-2025 Julio Molina-Muscara (creator, webmaster)
Site content is a collective effort by the MHL team and Marvel aficionados

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