Comic Book: The X-Men (1963 series)

This is the flagship title for the renowned mutant team. This is their initial book (#1-141) and continues as “The Uncanny X-Men” (1981) from issue #142.

Data Sheet:
Sep 1963 to Jan 1981

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.



(Piotr Rasputin)

(Kurt Wagner)

(Ororo Munroe)
X-Men, The #1
X-Men, The #1

(Sep 1963)

Comics Index

Page: 1 of 6

Indexed Comics: 141

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

X-Men, The #1
X-Men, The #1
0 stars

X-Men, The #1

September 1963
Script: Stan Lee
X-Men, The #2
X-Men, The #2
0 stars

X-Men, The #2

November 1963
"No One Can Stop the Vanisher"
Script: Stan Lee
X-Men, The #3
X-Men, The #3
0 stars

X-Men, The #3

January 1964
"Beware of the Blob!"
Script: Stan Lee
X-Men, The #4
X-Men, The #4
0 stars

X-Men, The #4

March 1964
"The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants!"
Script: Stan Lee
X-Men, The #5
X-Men, The #5
0 stars

X-Men, The #5

May 1964
"Trapped: One X-Man!"
Script: Stan Lee
X-Men, The #6
X-Men, The #6
0 stars

X-Men, The #6

July 1964
"Sub-Mariner! Joins the Evil Mutants"
Script: Stan Lee
X-Men, The #7
X-Men, The #7
0 stars

X-Men, The #7

September 1964
"The Return of the Blob"
Script: Stan Lee
X-Men, The #8
X-Men, The #8
0 stars

X-Men, The #8

November 1964
"The Uncanny Threat of... Unus, the Untouchable!"
Script: Stan Lee
X-Men, The #9
X-Men, The #9
3 stars

X-Men, The #9

January 1965
"Enter, the Avengers!"
Script: Stan Lee
An ocean liner in the North Atlantic is about to hit an iceberg when a mysterious double beam of light flashes out and destroys the icy mass. The beam came from the eyes of Cyclops who is traveling to Europe with his fellow X-Men to meet Professor X for a mission. [...]
X-Men, The #10
X-Men, The #10
0 stars

X-Men, The #10

March 1965
"The Coming of... Ka-Zar!"
Script: Stan Lee
X-Men, The #11
X-Men, The #11
0 stars

X-Men, The #11

May 1965
"The Triumph of Magneto!"
Script: Stan Lee
X-Men, The #12
X-Men, The #12
0 stars

X-Men, The #12

July 1965
"The Origin of Professor X!"
Script: Stan Lee
X-Men, The #13
X-Men, The #13
0 stars

X-Men, The #13

September 1965
"Where Walks the Juggernaut!"
Script: Stan Lee
X-Men, The #14
X-Men, The #14
0 stars

X-Men, The #14

November 1965
"Among Us Stalk... the Sentinels!"
Script: Stan Lee
X-Men, The #15
X-Men, The #15
0 stars

X-Men, The #15

December 1965
"Prisoners of the Mysterious Master Mold!"
Script: Stan Lee
X-Men, The #16
X-Men, The #16
0 stars

X-Men, The #16

January 1966
"The Supreme Sacrifice!"
Script: Stan Lee
X-Men, The #17
X-Men, The #17
0 stars

X-Men, The #17

February 1966
"...And None Shall Survive!"
Script: Stan Lee
X-Men, The #18
X-Men, The #18
0 stars

X-Men, The #18

March 1966
"If Iceman Should Fail--!"
Script: Stan Lee
X-Men, The #19
X-Men, The #19
0 stars

X-Men, The #19

April 1966
"Lo! Now Shall Appear--The Mimic!"
Script: Stan Lee
X-Men, The #20
X-Men, The #20
0 stars

X-Men, The #20

May 1966
"I, Lucifer..."
Script: Roy Thomas
X-Men, The #21
X-Men, The #21
0 stars

X-Men, The #21

June 1966
"From Whence Comes... Dominus?"
Script: Roy Thomas
X-Men, The #22
X-Men, The #22
0 stars

X-Men, The #22

July 1966
"Divided -- We Fall!"
Script: Roy Thomas
X-Men, The #23
X-Men, The #23
0 stars

X-Men, The #23

August 1966
"To Save a City"
Script: Roy Thomas
X-Men, The #24
X-Men, The #24
0 stars

X-Men, The #24

September 1966
"The Plague of... the Locust!"
Script: Roy Thomas
X-Men, The #25
X-Men, The #25
0 stars

X-Men, The #25

October 1966
"The Power and the Pendant!"
Script: Roy Thomas


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