This story opens with the revelation that a new danger has been troubling New York, just as said danger, The Vulture, swoops down and steals a briefcase full of bonds from a pedestrian. Over at “Jameson Publishing” the head of Now Magazine J. Jonah Jameson demands pictures of the Vulture that none of his photographers have been able to get. Meanwhile, Peter Parker hears some of his classmates talking about Vulture and how pictures of him would be worth tons of money. This inspires Peter to take photos of the Vulture himself as Spider-Man, and Aunt May gives Peter an old camera his Uncle Ben used to own.
Meanwhile, at his lair we find the Vulture planning his next heist before flying out to set it into motion. Spider-Man senses the Vulture as he flies past and sees it as the perfect opportunity to take photos of him. The Vulture throws notes of challenge to Jameson’s building, the radio station, and police headquarters, telling them that he plans to steal a shipment of diamonds right from under them. Spidey had been following Vulture, taking photos all the while, when Vulture hears him, swooping around and kicking Spidey from behind, knocking him out momentarily. Vulture drops the dazed Spider-Man in a water tower, thinking that then there will be no one left to stop him. The cold water awakens Spider-Man, who finds that he forgot to refill his web-shooters and that the side of the tower is too slippery to climb up. He elects to dive to the bottom of the tower and leap out, finding his camera and heading home. Peter develops his photos and decides to sell them to Jameson, taking joy in the irony has Jameson hates Spider-Man. Peter then constructs a belt to hold extra web cartridges, so as to be prepared next time he runs out, as well as a device that he thinks will impede the Vulture’s ability to fly.
The next day, Peter sells his photos to Jameson, who is very impressed with them, but Peter asks to remain uncredited for the photos. He joins some of his classmates as they watch the diamond transfer, to see if the Vulture with make good on his threat. The Vulture literally steals the diamond right from under them, as he pops up from the sewers, grabbing the diamonds before diving back down, through the sewers and out of the subway on the other side of town. Spidey tracks down the Vulture but Vulture spots and tries to swoop around behind him, just as before. Spidey senses it this time, snagging the Vulture’s leg and activating the device he built causing the Vulture to lose altitude, spiraling down towards the ground where he is found by the police. Spidey reveals that he realized the Vulture flies through use of magnetism and so built his device to counteract it. Peter delivers more photos to Jameson, as we see the Vulture in prison, vowing to defeat Spider-Man when next they meet.