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Incredible Hulk #8: Review

Jan 2024
Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Nic Klein

Story Name:

Spirits of Vengeance Part Three

Review & Comments

4 stars

Incredible Hulk #8 Review by (January 31, 2024)

Review: The monster battle is the whole issue this time around and it closes out the story arc. Pretty cool if a bit hard to follow in places. What is the connection with the veteran’s group we saw last time? And who is Uncle Sal, the Ghost Rider? We may find out someday but maybe not, what we know is enough to fill in a few gaps, with the rest lost to history.

Comments: Issue includes a text article on the history of Jinni Dagaal. Nic Klein did the colors for the Banner dream sequences.


Synopsis / Summary / Plot

Incredible Hulk #8 Synopsis by Peter Silvestro

Inside Hulk, Bruce Banner is trapped on an African plain, pursued by hyenas. Jinni Dagaal, the monster that has possessed Hulk, discovers him and tell him he has no place in his garden….

The War Devils are attacking the migrant camp while Charlie tells Hulk to fight the thing that is overpowering and controlling him. Hulk picks up a van to throw at her when the World War 2 Ghost Rider blasts him with a bazooka. Ghost Rider, with Leo in his sidecar, fires on the ghastly War Devils….

Hulk forces Dagaal out of his body and bunches a car into a ball of steel and hurls it at the Devils, obliterating them. Dagall, a monstrosity several hundred feet high with tusks, insect eyes, and bat wings, bearing a massive sword, challenges Hulk and GR. GR tosses one end of his flaming chain to Hulk who jumps through Dagaal’s mouth, knocking a hole in the back of its skull. Hulk then wraps the chain around his foe’s neck while Ghost Rider wraps the other end around its legs and they pull, tearing the monster's head off. As it disintegrates, it breathes the threats of the Eldest against Hulk, the Fractured Son, vowing the return of the Mother of Horrors. GR explains his devotion to protecting Leo: something else brought GR back from the dead, telling him that the world in which Leo dies, everything goes wrong. And GR advises 

Nic Klein
Nic Klein
Matthew Wilson
Nic Klein (Cover Penciler)
Nic Klein (Cover Inker)
Nic Klein (Cover Colorist)
Letterer: Cory Petit.

> Incredible Hulk: Book info and issue index

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