
Comic Book: Avengers (1963 series)

What This Book is About:
Earth's mightiest heroes--Thor, Iron Man, Wasp, Giant Man, and the newly-revived Captain America--came together as the Avengers to battle threats that no one of them could handle alone. Soon joined by Hawkeye, the Scarlet Witch, the Vision, She-Hulk, the Beast and many, many, many others, the name of the Avengers would pass into legend as the greatest hero team ever (at least for Marvel).

Data Sheet:
Sep 1963 to Oct 1996

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Captain America
Captain America

(Steve Rogers)
Scarlet Witch
Scarlet Witch

(Wanda Maximoff)
Iron Man
Iron Man

(Tony Stark)


(Janet Van Dyne)

(Clint Barton)

(Pietro Maximoff)
Black Panther
Black Panther

Avengers #1
Avengers #1

(Sep 1963)

Comics Index

Page: 12 of 13

Total Indexed Comics: 321

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Avengers #272
3.5 stars

Avengers #272

October 1986
"Assault on Atlantis"
Script: Roger Stern
Story overlaps/continues from ALPHA FLIGHT #39.The Avengers head underwater in a submersible while Captain Marvel scouts ahead. Captain America asks the Sub-Mariner about Marrina whom he has never mentioned before. [...]
Avengers #273
4.5 stars

Avengers #273

November 1986
"Rites of Conquest"
Script: Roger Stern
At Mike’s Bar, Hercules has taken a bet that he can lift a table full of customers off the floor for five full minutes. With only seconds to go, the table breaks under the weight; Mike complains about the broken table but Herc promises the Avengers will make it good. [...]
Avengers #274
4.5 stars

Avengers #274

December 1986
"Divided…We Fall"
Script: Roger Stern
With the Masters of Evil having captured Avengers Mansion, Baron Zemo and Fixer watch via a monitor as an unwitting Black Knight walks through the newly repaired gate and into the building. [...]
Avengers #275
4 stars

Avengers #275

January 1987
"Even a God Can Die"
Script: Roger Stern
A CBS News bulletin describes how Avengers Mansion is encased in Darkforce, and the area is now under martial law. Meanwhile, Wasp has been seen accompanying an unconscious Hercules to the hospital…. [...]
Avengers #276
4.5 stars

Avengers #276

February 1987
Script: Roger Stern
The police are clearing up matters at the ruined hospital after Wasp and Ant-Man have protected the unconscious Hercules from being killed by the Absorbing Man and Titania. [...]
Avengers #277
4 stars

Avengers #277

March 1987
"The Price of Victory"
Script: Roger Stern
In the ruins of Avengers Mansion, Goliath holds the battered Thor—but then Thor strikes back, overcoming the giant baddie. Wrecker tries to go to his aid but Captain America heads him off. But Wrecker has his original full power back and goes after an outclassed Cap. [...]
Avengers #278
4 stars

Avengers #278

April 1987
Script: Roger Stern
Avengers Mansion is closed for extensive repairs after the invasion of the Masters of Evil. A band of crooks breaks in one night, hoping to loot the deserted place but one falls through a rotten floor then Wasp arrives distributing punishing stings. [...]
Avengers #279
5 stars

Avengers #279

May 1987
"Command Decision"
Script: Roger Stern
Atlanta police are dealing with a barricade situation with a madman holding his wife and kids hostage. Captain Marvel arrives and, despite police hostility, she flashes into the house to confront the man who thinks his family are demons. [...]
Avengers #280
5 stars

Avengers #280

June 1987
"Faithful Servant"
Script: Bob Harras
The hospitalized Edwin Jarvis is told he has lost 90% vision in his left eye, his leg injuries will heal but after a long period, and they cannot rule out the possibility of brain damage. His doctor suggests adopting a less dangerous profession. [...]
Avengers #281
4.5 stars

Avengers #281

July 1987
"By Gods Betrayed"
Script: Roger Stern
The Avengers are at the hospital, investigating the kidnapping of the comatose Hercules. [...]
Avengers #282
4 stars

Avengers #282

August 1987
Script: Roger Stern
Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner, and his bride Marrina are at home in their undersea villa when a seaquake shakes the area. Namor rescues his companions and wonders at a quake not usually found in the area. [...]
Avengers #283
4 stars

Avengers #283

September 1987
"Whom the Gods Would Destroy"
Script: Roger Stern
Attempting to escape from Hades, the Avengers (Captain America, Captain Marvel (MR), She-Hulk, Black Knight, Doctor Druid, Thor, Sub-Mariner) are halted when a central portion of the Pathway of Infinity crossing the dimensional abyss is destroyed. [...]
Avengers #284
4 stars

Avengers #284

October 1987
"Battleground: Olympus"
Script: Roger Stern
The kidnapped Wasp slowly regains her memories: she was on a Caribbean beach when an arrow was shot at her; she tried dodging it but it followed her so she blasted it with her sting and the arrow exploded into dust that knocked her out. And now she is immobilized in a large capsule. [...]
Avengers #285
3.5 stars

Avengers #285

November 1987
"Twilight of the Gods"
Script: Roger Stern
Black Knight, hiding in the forest of Olympus, watches as Zeus has withstood the attacks of the other Avengers (Thor, Captain Marvel, She-Hulk, Sub-Mariner) and is still standing. Zeus is determined to destroy the Avengers for what (he thinks) they have done to his son Hercules…. [...]
Avengers #286
4 stars

Avengers #286

December 1987
"The Fix is On"
Script: Ralph Macchio
In a Manhattan research lab, scientist Todd Martin is examining the gear of the criminal known as the Fixer. He is hypnotized by the helmet, uses the gun to shoot his co-workers, then dons the full outfit to fly out through the skylight…. [...]
Avengers #287
4 stars

Avengers #287

January 1988
Script: Roger Stern
The Avengers are in rural Ohio where they have just defeated the Awesome Android. Noting that his wife Marrina is missing, Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner goes out looking for her. [...]
Avengers #288
4 stars

Avengers #288

February 1988
"Heavy Metal"
Script: Ralph Macchio
Having reached an accord, the Super-Adaptoid (in a body which combines features of his two victims, the Fixer and Mentallo) and Machine Man (in his usual body) fly to the Texas Panhandle. There they come to a cheap tourist attraction: the dormant Sentry 459 is on display for visitors to gawk at. [...]
Avengers #289
4 stars

Avengers #289

March 1988
"The Cube Root"
Script: Ralph Macchio
The Super-Adaptoid (in a body which combines features of his two victims, the Fixer and Mentallo) leads his team Heavy Metal (Machine Man, Sentry 459, TESS-One) in an assault on Avengers Hydrobase, destroying the place with their specific weaponry. [...]
Avengers #290
4 stars

Avengers #290

April 1988
"The World According to the Adaptoid"
Script: Ralph Macchio
The Super-Adaptoid has met Kubik, the sentient Cosmic Cube and absorbed its powers, rendering it a master over reality like its forebear. SA locks the Avengers—She-Hulk, Sub-Mariner, Marrina, Captain Marvel—in transparent boxes, along with his former ally Machine Man. [...]
Avengers #291
4 stars

Avengers #291

May 1988
"Shadows of the Future Past"
Script: Walt Simonson
Doctor Druid has a recurring dream of walking through a mystical land and meeting a beautiful blonde woman who takes him into her arms and makes love to him; she then places a crown on his head and bows before him—and then he wakes up knowing that disaster is imminent. [...]
Avengers #292
4 stars

Avengers #292

June 1988
"The Dragon in the Sea"
Script: Walt Simonson
The Avengers have located the giant monster Leviathan and are ready to act against it when Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner arrives, revealing the creature is his wife Marrina, mutated by some unknown cause. [...]
Avengers #293
4 stars

Avengers #293

July 1988
"And Flights of Angels"
Script: Walt Simonson
The Sub-Mariner’s bride Marrina, now transformed into the monstrous Leviathan, is attacking Atlantis. The defenders put up a valiant fight but it is no use. She destroys the city and swims off. Namor arrives, too late to aid the devastated city. [...]
Avengers #294
4 stars

Avengers #294

August 1988
"If Wishes Were Horses…"
Script: Walt Simonson
The Avengers are rushing Black Knight to a hospital when he has a fit, causing Doctor Druid to lose control of the Quinjet. BK demands that his Ebony Blade be given back to him; Thor obliges and the Knight calms down. [...]
Avengers #295
4 stars

Avengers #295

September 1988
"Beggars Would Ride"
Script: Walt Simonson
Cyborg dinosaurs called Dinodroids are attacking a large city and a division of armored soldiers is holding them off with great difficulty. [...]
Avengers #296
4.5 stars

Avengers #296

October 1988
"Hearts of Oak…and Heads to Match"
Script: Walt Simonson
Thor arrives at the hospital to check on Black Knight, seriously injured last issue; multiple orderlies attempt to prevent his entry into the private part of the hospital and fail. The doctor informs Thor that BK has been discharged. [...]