Comic Book: I Am an Avenger

What is it that makes one an Avenger? That’s what this series starring characters from all across the Avengers’ history will attempt to answer! Featuring tales of Iron Man, Captain America, the Thing, Iron Fist, Justice, Firestar, Squirrel Girl, Nova and the Young Avengers and more!

Data Sheet:
Sep 2010 to ..?

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.


(Angelica Jones)
Iron Man
Iron Man

(Tony Stark)
Plus: Justice (Vance Astrovik).

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 5

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

I Am an Avenger #1
I Am an Avenger #1
4 stars

I Am an Avenger #1

November 2010
Script: Jim McCann
The Young Avengers (Wiccan, Hulkling, Stature, Speed, Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), Vision (Jonas)), have been invited to Avengers Mansion to meet with their heroes and they are more than a little nervous. They enter the Mansion grounds and the defenses start attacking them. [...]
I Am an Avenger #2
I Am an Avenger #2
5 stars

I Am an Avenger #2

December 2010
"Post Mortem"
Script: Greg Rucka
One soldier was killed in the action at Broxton (seen in the SIEGE event): Private Donald Horodowsky of Memphis, Tennessee. Steve Rogers asks Maria Hill for funeral details so he can attend. Steve visits the wake and talks with the escort then stands by at the funeral ceremony. [...]
I Am an Avenger #3
I Am an Avenger #3
5 stars

I Am an Avenger #3

March 2011
"Like a Streak of Light"
Spider-Man is foiling a bank robbery when he discovers the robbers are aliens with high tech weaponry. Then the building is lifted from the ground and pulled into space. Nova arrives, having been notified of the Valgon raiders by Worldmind. [...]
I Am an Avenger #4
I Am an Avenger #4
5 stars

I Am an Avenger #4

April 2011
"Everything Will Change Soon (In Bed)"
Script: Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa
At the Baxter Building, while the Fantastic Four is having a dinner of Chinese take-out, Thing drops the bombshell that he has been asked to join the Avengers. Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman are concerned about where that would leave the FF while Johnny Storm just makes snarky remarks. [...]
I Am an Avenger #5
I Am an Avenger #5
5 stars

I Am an Avenger #5

March 2011
"A Little Help"
Script: Tim Ursiny
Reprinted from CAPTAIN AMERICA: A LITTLE HELP. “Growing” 4/5Writer: B. Clay Moore. Art: Felipe Andrade. Colors: Chris Sotomayor. [...]


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