Comic Book: Infinity Countdown

This is a mini-series leading into the comics Infinity Wars II. It was preceded by Infinity Countdown: Adam Warlock and IC Prime.

Data Sheet:
May 2018 to ..?

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.


(Arthur Sampson Douglas)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 5

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Infinity Countdown #1
Infinity Countdown #1
4 stars

Infinity Countdown #1

May 2018
"(no title given)"
Script: Gerry Duggan
This issue mainly continues the plotlines of GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY #150 plus an extra element from INFINITY COUNTDOWN PRIME. [...]
Infinity Countdown #2
Infinity Countdown #2
4 stars

Infinity Countdown #2

June 2018
"(no title given)"
Script: Gerry Duggan
In the opening 1-page flashback the unnamed captive dwarf is still forging a weapon for his unnamed sinister master. [...]
Infinity Countdown #3
Infinity Countdown #3
4 stars

Infinity Countdown #3

July 2018
"(no title given)"
Script: Gerry Duggan
In the opening flashback page the mystery villain is still holding the Asgardian Dwarf prisoner and forcing him to make something.Last issue Adam Warlock came to the planet Saiph looking for the Soul Gem. [...]
Infinity Countdown #4
Infinity Countdown #4
4 stars

Infinity Countdown #4

August 2018
"(no title given)"
Script: Gerry Duggan
In the opening flashback the Asgardian Dwarf completes the armour for his captor who rewards him with a slap and spouts about resurrection and seeing him in the next life. [...]
Infinity Countdown #5
Infinity Countdown #5
4 stars

Infinity Countdown #5

September 2018
"(no title given)"
Script: Gerry Duggan
The usual 1-page flashback shows the mystery figure (allegedly the Requiem mentioned last issue) killing the Asgardian dwarf after he makes him/her a sword to go with the armour.Next scene:- Henry Pym and the Gamora-fragment in Soul World. [...]


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