Comic Book: Secret Warriors

Info, covers and comics index from Secret Warriors comic book.

Data Sheet:
Jun 2010 to ..?

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Nick Fury
Nick Fury

(Nicholas Fury)

(Daisy Johnson)
Plus: Secret Warriors, Stonewall (Jerry Sledge).

Comics Index

Page: 1 of 2

Indexed Comics: 28

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Secret Warriors #1
4.5 stars

Secret Warriors #1

February 2009
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
Nick Fury's Secret Warriors team is on a mission at a SHIELD secret storage facility Black Ice in Odessa, Texas. Quake (Daisy Johnson) surveys the scene while Hellfire (JT James) complains that this spying gig hasn't had the perks he expected - cool gadgets and hot women. [...]
Secret Warriors #2
4.5 stars

Secret Warriors #2

March 2009
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
The issue starts with a flashback to 3 months ago during Secret Invasion. In the underwater Hydra HQ Ichor in the Pacific Ocean, Baron Wolfgang von Strucker is watching scenes of superheroes fighting Skrulls. [...]
Secret Warriors #3
4.5 stars

Secret Warriors #3

April 2009
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
2 weeks after last issue in the Cocoon base Daisy Johnson (Quake) summarises what they know for the rest of the Secret Warriors. In #1 Nick Fury discovered that SHIELD was always controlled by Hydra, and the team saw Hydra retrieve a large box from the SHIELD storage facility Black Ice. [...]
Secret Warriors #4
4.5 stars

Secret Warriors #4

May 2009
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
Daisy Johnson (Quake) and Sebastian Druid are in the Kata Tjuta rock formation in Australia. They came here to recruit someone but Druid crashed the plane. They are looking for the Aborigine Eden Fesi, a universal shaper. [...]
Secret Warriors #5
4.5 stars

Secret Warriors #5

June 2009
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
The SHIELD base the Dock in the Caribbean has been taken over by HAMMER but still houses the helicarriers. 2 HAMMER Agents prepare to take their shift in the control room for the defence grid. Derrick Richardson was only in SHIELD for a couple of months before HAMMER took over. [...]
Secret Warriors #6
4.5 stars

Secret Warriors #6

July 2009
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
Last issue Nick Fury and the Howling Commandos Private Military Company raided the Dock where HAMMER keep (the?) 3 ex-SHIELD helicarriers in order to 'liberate' them for their own use. But Hydra had been forewarned of the operation and turned up to throw a spanner in the works. [...]
Secret Warriors #7
4 stars

Secret Warriors #7

August 2009
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
The Secret Warriors rob a bank in Switzerland:-Sebastian Druid is on the roof trying to remember which wire to cut to disable the security system while Hellfire (J T James) walks in and tells a cashier it's a hold-up. [...]
Secret Warriors #8
4 stars

Secret Warriors #8

September 2009
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
Last issue ended with the Thunderbolts breaking into Nick Fury's secret base #20 - Home Run under the Yankee Stadium. [...]
Secret Warriors #9
4 stars

Secret Warriors #9

October 2009
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
This issue backs up 2 minutes from the end of the last 1 to fill in some details of how the situation developed. [...]
Secret Warriors #10
4 stars

Secret Warriors #10

November 2009
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
This issue works through a sequence of scenes, some of which are flashbacks to other comics.We start 'ages ago' with a war between the old Greek gods and the even older Japanese gods. Zeus and Mikaboshi both go to an unnamed blind blacksmith to ask for special swords. [...]
Secret Warriors #11
4.5 stars

Secret Warriors #11

December 2009
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
1 month after the events of #10 Daisy Johnson (Quake) is awoken by Nick Fury and told to come with him on a trip.Meanwhile in the Clan Yashida stronghold in Agarashima, Japan, Silver Samurai is attacked by a horde of armoured foes. [...]
Secret Warriors #12
4.5 stars

Secret Warriors #12

January 2010
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
The forces of Leviathan have invaded the Hydra Nemesis shipyard. Gorgon is fighting them. He's successful against the ordinary troops with his sword and his petrifying gaze. But the accompanying 'demon' seems immune. [...]
Secret Warriors #13
4.5 stars

Secret Warriors #13

February 2010
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
The day after last issue Nick Fury is flying back to New York and having a video conference with Dum Dum Dugan, Eric Koenig, Gabe Jones and Jasper Sitwell of the Howling Commandos Private Military Company. [...]
Secret Warriors #14
4.5 stars

Secret Warriors #14

March 2010
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
The story opens in Nick Fury's secret base #21 Providence (which in the map in #1 appeared to be in South Dakota), which appears to be where the Secret Warriors were each sent individually to at the end of last issue. [...]
Secret Warriors #15
4.5 stars

Secret Warriors #15

April 2010
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
In Nick Fury's secret base #21 Providence the Secret Warriors are playing poker in the kitchen and young Alex Aaron (Phobos) is winning especially against JT James (Hellfire). JT accuses him of cheating by knowing what cards he's got. Alex says he *can* tell what JT's got but not by cheating. [...]
Secret Warriors #16
4.5 stars

Secret Warriors #16

May 2010
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
It's 2 weeks later than last issue. Nick Fury is in his secret base #7 Pieta deep under Rome having a conference with holograms of his 3 team leaders Daisy Johnson (Quake), Alexander Pierce and his son Mikel Fury. [...]
Secret Warriors #17
3 stars

Secret Warriors #17

June 2010
"(No title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
As Nick Fury sits drinking in a bar, a meeting of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (United States, United Kingdom, Russia, China, France) is held in strict secrecy. [...]
Secret Warriors #18
3 stars

Secret Warriors #18

July 2010
"(No title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
Dum Dum Dugan has just rocked the meeting of the United Nations Security Council with the revelation that most of the Howling Commandos died in the raid on the Hydra base in China. [...]
Secret Warriors #19
3 stars

Secret Warriors #19

August 2010
"(No title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
At the Howling Commando reunion two weeks ago, it was Gabe Jones’ duty to remember their comrades in arms who were no longer with them: Clay Quartermain, Dino Manelli, Pinky Pinkerton, Junior Juniper…. [...]
Secret Warriors #20
3.5 stars

Secret Warriors #20

September 2010
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
In previous issues Hydra went to war against Leviathan, and the Howling Commandos PMC were nearly wiped out in an attack on a Hydra base in China. This issue is set 6 months later. [...]
Secret Warriors #21
4.5 stars

Secret Warriors #21

October 2010
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
Hydra and Leviathan have been gradually destroying each other. Last issue Nick Fury decided it was time to hit them both fatal blows. [...]
Secret Warriors #22
4.5 stars

Secret Warriors #22

November 2010
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
In the last 2 issues Nick Fury and the Secret Warriors invaded Hydra's main base Gehenna to set off a mountain-buster bomb. Unfortunately Hydra was waiting for them because Hellfire (JT James) had betrayed them (although they don't know that). [...]
Secret Warriors #23
4.5 stars

Secret Warriors #23

December 2010
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
This issue tells us what happened to Sebastian Druid after Nick Fury fired him from the White team of Secret Warriors.It begins with a flashback to 6 months ago at the end of #13 where he finds Fury's note telling him to go home, which turns out to be Hawaii. [...]
Secret Warriors #24
4.5 stars

Secret Warriors #24

February 2011
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
This series has been mainly following the adventures of Nick Fury's White team of Caterpillars (super-powered youngsters the world didn't know about) led by Daisy Johnson (Quake). But last issue that team suffered losses and was retired by Fury. [...]
Secret Warriors #25
4.5 stars

Secret Warriors #25

March 2011
"(no title given)"
Script: Jonathan Hickman
Last issue Nick Fury surrendered to Kraken of Hydra after losing/retiring the members of the White team of his Secret Warriors and losing the whole of the Grey team including his son Mikel. [...]
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