
Comic Book: Sleepwalker

What This Book is About:
Sleepwalker of the Dream Police merged with college student Rick Sheridan and was trapped on Earth.

Data Sheet:
Jun 1991 to Feb 1994

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange

(Stephen Strange)
Plus: Rick Sheridan, Sleepwalker, Chain Gang, Darkhawk, Deathlok (Michael Collins), Eon, Her.
Sleepwalker #7
Sleepwalker #7

(Dec 1991)

Comics Index

Total Indexed Comics: 2

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Sleepwalker #7
3.5 stars

Sleepwalker #7

December 1991
"The ties that bind"
Script: Bob Budiansky
At the end of last issue Sleepwalker's host Rick Sheridan vanished. (We know it was because Thanos caused half the population of the universe to cease to exist in Infinity Gauntlet #1.) The hero from the Mindscape is normally only able to physically manifest when Rick is asleep. [...]
Sleepwalker #18
3.5 stars

Sleepwalker #18

December 1991
"Rest in peace"
Script: Bob Budiansky
At the end of last issue Rick Sheridan's date Janine turned hostile and sided with a Chinese street gang that surrounded them.Rick tries to fight them but is overwhelmed and taken to the basement HQ of the Green Dragons. [...]