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A.X.E.: Judgment Day (2022 series) #3

on-sale: Aug 24, 2022
Kieron Gillen | Valerio Schiti

A.X.E.: Judgment Day (2022 series) #3 cover

Story Name:

(no title given)


A.X.E.: Judgment Day (2022 series) #3 synopsis by Rob Johnson
Rating: 4.5 stars
The Eternals attacked the mutants of Krakoa because the mutant X-gene derives from the Deviants, and their recent achievement of effective immortality marks them out as Excess Deviancy which the Eternals are compelled by their Celestial makers to root out. But a small group of Eternals conspired with the Avengers to turn the dead Celestial named Progenitor that was Avengers North Pole HQ into a new living Celestial who called a halt to the war. But unfortunately it then declared that it would judge all the inhabitants of Earth - human, mutant, Eternal and Deviant - and if on balance they were found wanting it would destroy them all.

At the Pole the Eternal priest Ajak tries to convince herself that this is a test because her newly-created god would not be so unjust. Her fellow priest Makkari reminds her that the Celestials have made such judgements in the past. Ajak tries to shift the blame to using Tony Stark as the basis for the god's nervous system. Captain America tries to turn their thoughts to solving the problem ... and Progenitor decides *he* will be the 1st to be judged. It describes Cap as an inspiration for America, the world-leading country. But that world is in a bad way and getting worse, so it adjudges Cap a failure.

The 6 ordinary humans the Celestial made us aware of last issue react in different ways to a broadcast of Cap urging people to remain calm. Except of course 1 of the 6 died last issue to facilitate the rebirth of the Eternal Syne of the Hex, and it is his widow who hears the message.

Druig, the latest Prime Eternal, was the 1 who organised the attack on the mutants to cement his authority. Now he consults with his 'grandfather' Uranos imprisoned in the Exclusion about the latest events. Uranos quite likes this new Celestial, the world needs cleansing. Druig has had Jack Of Knives spying on the Avengers and he's reported on the judgement on Captain America. Uranos' response is that the Eternals need to prove that they aren't failures by fulfilling the original Celestial edict by eradicating Excess Deviation, which Uranos as usual interprets as all Deviants and all mutants. But it suits Druig just to renew the assault on Krakoa. And he's certainly not going to let Uranos out (again).

In their bunker at the Pole the Celestial's architects (Ajak, Makkari, Iron Man, Phastos the Eternal smith, and the mutant Mister Sinister who the 2 priests kidnapped to help them) are conferring over tactics. Tony Stark says there is an internal node in the Celestial that if hit hard enough will cause the space god to fall apart. Ajak is horrified at this blasphemy. Phastos is worried that it would explode and cause immeasurable damage to the world. The priestly duo say they must find another way, and leave them to it. When they're gone Phastos says that they *should* kill the Progenitor if they can do it safely. But he must leave IM and Sinister to do it secretly because if any Eternals, including himself, actually *know* they're about to do it then their Celestial programming will kick in and force them to stop it.

Sinister takes the advice to heart by secretly mentally contacting Destiny on Krakoa which is under attack again by the 6 Hex monsters, armoured Eternals and Eternal psychics. She goes to inform the rest of the Quiet Council where Prof X has just been killed again and White Queen calls for a resurrected replacement. Irene Adler passes on the info about the Celestial's vulnerability. She also tells them about the risk of explosion but assures them that she hasn't seen it happening in the future. They have a vote and narrowly agree to go ahead. But Nightcrawler says they can't afford to send their best fighters away from defending the island. However Emma Frost then plays her trump card. She's been in communication with the Deviant leader Kro and they are now here to help the defence. Kro points out that their genes must be similar enough to the mutants because Krakoa let them use its portal gates.

The 5 occupants of the bunker are back together again comparing notes with a hologram of Cap. Then Ajak learns from Eternal monitors she put in the Celestial that a load of mutants are trying to infiltrate it. And Sinister pulls some wires out of a control panel which opens a hatch leading to the important node. The Celestial Protocols activate in Ajak, Makarri and Phastos and as 1 they intone "Protect Celestials".

The mutant attack force led by Jean Grey and Wolverine know they've been made so they abandon their stealth tech and launch into battle with Eternal defence forces. Exodus moves Ikaris out of the way so Marvel Girl can enter the hatch. Iron Man tries to stop her but she hits the node with a telekinetic blast. Tony lets Jean know that the result could level cities, which the Quiet Council hadn't told her about. He tries to limit the effect but the whole thing blows and they're all killed. As are lots of the nearest parts of the globe.

But then they awake to find it was all an illusion generated by Progenitor, who repeats its message to the world. It declares judgement negatively against White Queen, Destiny and her lover Mystique, but positively for Warlord Kro. It reserves judgement on the others involved. Jean Grey mentally berates Sinister while Makkari and Phastos stop Ajak from physically attacking him. Tony Stark, Cap via hologram, and Eternal Sersi who's joined them in the bunker agree that the only option left is to ensure that the world pulls together to survive the judgement. Sersi has an idea about that ...

... and she sneaks in to the Exclusion with Jack of Knives, getting past the warden Ur-Luciva. They open a cell containing someone who Sersi thinks can get the world to act in harmony. And we see that the prisoner is Eros/Starfox, ready to convince the world that all you need is love.

Good (or All)
Plus: Destiny (Paul Destine), Druig, Exodus, Jack Of Knives, Kro, Phastos, Progenitor, Uranos.

> A.X.E.: Judgment Day (2022 series) comic book info and issue index

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Main/1st Story Full Credits

Valerio Schiti
Valerio Schiti
Marte Gracia
Mark Brooks (Cover Penciler)
Mark Brooks (Cover Inker)
Mark Brooks (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Clayton Cowles.
Editor: Tom Brevoort. Editor-in-chief: C. B. Cebulski.

Review / Commentaries

A.X.E.: Judgment Day (2022 series) #3 Review by (August 27, 2022)
This high-octane series continues to provide twist endings which propel it into new directions.

Starfox/Eros is the Titanian brother of Thanos, and like him isn't quite an Eternal. He has the power to influence emotions.

We last saw him in Guardians Of The Galaxy (2019) #6 where he was killed to prevent Thanos being resurrected from his mind. We don't know how he wound up alive in the Eternals' Exclusion prison. The Eternals' automatic resurrection process restored his parents Mentor and Sui-San to life because they *are* true Eternals. But it couldn't restore Thanos because he isn't, so that should apply to Eros as well.

Tie-ins to this issue:-

A.X.E.: Death To The Mutants #2 runs alongside this issue.
It shows Kro making the deal with Emma Frost and then leading Deviants to help defend Krakoa. But it adds a tactic of throwing Deviants cursed with Excess Deviation at the Hex to confuse them. It shows how he was judged by the Celestial appearing as Arishem, who originally judged the Deviants, and now *all* the Deviants pass! We don't see here what Emma saw when she was judged negatively. The Celestial reserves judgement on Uranos. Ikaris asks the Celestial to kill him and all other Eternals. But Progenitor only judges its makers now. Phastos passes because he helped the X-Men try to destroy him (which revelation enrages Ajak). Makkari fails because she learned nothing from their mistake. He'll delay judgement on Ajak and Ikaris, but tells the latter that an Eternal is lying to him. The Great Machine knows he means Sersi, and the Celestial promises to judge the Machine too. Then we move to Sersi recruiting Jack Of Knives to help her break Eros out of the Exclusion. He pops in to see his mother Sui-San before continuing.

Immortal X-Men #6 also runs in parallel.
It shows Mr Sinister contacting Destiny and persuading her to convince the Quiet Council to attack the Celestial. She calculates the probabilities and deliberately waits for Prof X to get killed and then minimises the danger, leading to the yes vote as she predicted. The attack of course fails. The Celestial then judges her negatively in the guise of Mystique. Now we see that Emma Frost was judged by all the people she has harmed. At a Council meeting Kate Pryde says she just simply passed. But then Exodus gets judged by Eobar Garrington, the 12th Century Black Knight he left to die. Except Sebastian Shaw interrupts the judgement. Then Shaw is judged negatively by an apparition of Emma, but he says he doesn't care. And he has a meeting with Eros to work on a solution to the Eternals/mutants problem. And then another meeting with the demon(?) Mother Righteous.

The rest of the tie-ins say they follow this issue.

X-Force #31:- The Kraven The Hunter clone asks the Celestial to judge him but gets ignored so he decides to hunt mutants. He still has in his den the parts of Deadpool he found inside the polar bear he killed. They pull themselves together. And DP's the rare non-mutant that can pass through the gates to Krakoa.
The Eternals are attacking Krakoa again as Omega Red brings the mutant-smuggling ship here from the Arctic, which is *not* what he was supposed to do. Sage allows him to use the holographic Shadow Room to sate his need for torture and killing. She and Beast discuss how to integrate the trafficked Russian mutants.

X-Men #14:- Some aliens try to devastate Earth with a Solar flare for a bet. Cyclops and Magik deal with them while Jean Grey coordinates Iceman and Firestar to control the incoming flare.
Cyclops tells the Celestial that he refuses to accept judgement. Progenitor gives him the thumbs-up anyway.

Marauders #6:- The bulk of this issue concerns Birdy counselling members of the team who have been judged. To give them the necessary time in the current crisis the counselling takes place in Somnus' dreamscape where time is malleable. Bishop was judged by his dead XSE partners Malcolm and Randall. Aurora's multiple personalities by Headlok who once brainwashed her. Tempus by her old Mutant Liberation Front partner Sumo. Kwannon by Mr Sinister and her murdered child. Somnus by his hero Northstar. And Daken by himself. Meanwhile Kate Pryde, Cassandra Nova and Fabian Cortez have been overseeing the growth of a new Krakoan gateway that will release the mutants trapped in Legion's Altar in the Astral Plane House Of L. (We'll probably learn more about this in next month's Legion Of X #6.)

Wolverine #24:- Logan is judged by the many people he's killed, but the judgement is deferred. Hellbride tells her father the Hand's Beast that she's going to kill Wolverine and Solem and retrieve the Muramasa blades from them. She confronts Solem but is judged by Progenitor in the image of her father, who reserves judgement until after she has gained her revenge. Solem flees to Wolverine in the Summer House on the Moon where he's keeping the Blades. They fight over them. Logan wins but gives 1 Blade to Solem. They agree to 1st kill the Celestial then the Hellbride. But she follows them to the Arctic.

Wo#25:- Progenitor tests all 3 by running them through an ice-maze of visions. Wo and Solem find Hellbride freezing to death and Wo leaves her with his coat and a fire. She later joins them in a fight against a Progenitor-avatar. Solem and Hellbride leave and the Celestial finds Wo worthy. He rejects the judgement and demands to fight the god, who ignores him and Wo has to go home. (There's also a 2nd unrelated story in this bumper issue.)

X-Force #32:- Wolverine returns to Krakoa to find that Kraven has decided to hunt him as the most dangerous mutant. Kraven has destroyed the backup bodies used for resurrection and forced Beast to give him control of the Shadow Room (the deadly latest version of the X-Men's Danger Room). He lures Logan there to save Beast's life. Meanwhile Deadpool's head has been given a plant-body by Black Tom Cassidy and is seeking revenge on Omega Red for leaving him to be eaten by a polar bear in #30.

XFo#33:- Beast & Wolverine fight Kraven and virtual Savage land dinosaurs in the Shadow Room. Sage stops Deadpool and Omega Red fighting and they all head to the rescue. Magma dissolves DP's vegetable body and he's left with his head on his infant regrowing body. Logan defeats Kraven but leaves him for a dino to eat, then escapes with little DP.
In an epilogue set after AXE:JD#6 we see Kraven has survived and Progenitor has been defeated and the Avengers are moving back into his damaged Celestial body.


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