All-New All-Different Avengers #12 Synopsis by
Rob Johnson
Last issue the Avengers escaped from the Negative Zone but unfortunately Spider-Man got left behind with Annihilus.
Vision has the Nega-Band and flies with it towards the tower which brought down their spaceship. Tony Stark explains that the tower's destructive beam is powered by another Nega-Band. And with 2 of them Vision can swap places with someone stranded in the Neg Zone. The synthezoid grabs the other wristband and puts them on. Captain America (Sam Wilson) wants to go instead, but Vision clashes his wrists together. Instantly Miles Morales appears in his place, with the wristbands on.
Stark immediately takes the Nega-Bands. Vision recharged his batteries from this planet's positive sun, but he won't last long over there. Iron Man intends to take his place. But Vizh can communicate from the Neg Zone to the holder of the Bands to say that Annihilus' Blackstar Cannon still has enough power to fire into the positive universe. He suggests they send Thor to destroy it.
So she takes the Bands and hops on over. A blow from Mjolnir sends Annihilus reeling. And the flung hammer .... hardly dents the cannon because of the peculiar physics of the Neg Zone. Now it is Thor's turn to report back to Vision (who of course gained the Bands in the swap). And Vision tells the others they need another plan.
Time for an interlude with the Wasps. In #10 we left Janet Van Dyne taking newbie Nadia Pym with her on a mission to defuse a bomb that would take the East coast of the US into the Microverse. Now in the White House they've just been congratulated by the President for a job well done, and apparently Nadia did most of the work.
Now Jan takes her fashion shopping, to a posh restaurant and then a donut shop. Then a visit to a museum dedicated to Henry Pym! Then eating ice cream in front of the Lincoln Memorial while Jan says she's fine with Nadia being a Wasp too. After all her father Henry invented the shrinking process. But then Jan gets a call from Jarvis to say that some men from the Russian Consulate have just turned up at her house looking for Nadia.
Back to the main action. The Neg Zone is affecting Thor as Stark tries to figure out what to do. He hits on the idea of sending Ms Marvel over to shrink (not as far as we know using Pym particles) and get inside the machine. No sooner said than done. Tony takes the Bands when Thor arrives so Kamala finds herself talking to him. But when she finds the power core she reports signs of radiation sickness.
Iron Man wants to take her place because his armour will shield him. But Nova grabs the Bands off him, saying that it's his fault they are here because they came to help him look for his father (and his suit's radiation-proof too). He takes MsM's place where he bombards the power core made of Neg Zone material with positron energy until it explodes.
Now Nova is stuck with Annihilus. But Cap has a plan. Thor swaps over again, and throws Mjolnir a long way. Meanwhile Iron Man dons the Neg Bands. He can now communicate with Thor but she tells him to wait for her command. At the right moment the Golden Avenger takes her place to find Annihilus slamming into him. But more importantly Mjolnir is flying back to where its mistress was and is almost there. As it whizzes past IM grabs it and is wrenched away from the Neg Zone lord. The enchantment on the hammer then takes it across dimensions to Thor's hand, taking Tony Stark with it.
The Avengers are still stuck on an alien planet with lots of other aliens whose spaceships were also struck down by the tower. Now that the tower is dead they can all escape if they can get their ships working again. With Vision translating for everyone they all combine efforts to get as many ships functional as possible.
Vizh then gives 1 last message to the aliens. In return for having rescued them from Annihilus' prison world he asks them to keep a look out for information about Sam's missing father Jesse Alexander of the Nova Corps. Then they fly back to Earth.