Avengers, The (1963 series) #211 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
Current Avengers Chairman Captain America announced last issue that he and founder members Iron Man and Thor decided that the Avengers needed a roster change. Now he clarifies that they want to trim the group down to 6 members. Beast doesn't want to leave, but Wonder Man would be relieved to go. Married couple Scarlet Witch and Vision will stay or go together. Wasp doesn't seem bothered, and their guest Jocasta keeps quiet as usual.
Cap says they're worn out after the fight with the Weathermen last issue, so he'll give everyone a break and reconvene the meeting later in the day. Thor leaves because he's got things to do. Beast decides to cheer everyone up with a prank, so he steals Wonder Man's glasses which hide his ionic energy eyes. Simon Williams chases Hank McCoy out of Avengers Mansion. Janet Pym also leaves to get her hair done.
Vision and Wanda head for their room, but Vizh is delayed by robot Jocasta. She feels like an outsider in the team, and wants advise from the android how to fit in. But he brushes her off to be with his wife. Feeling lonelier than ever she wonders why Vision found friendship and love when she can't - after all they were both created by Ultron. Then, ominously, she recalls that Ultron loved her.
Outside Beast and Wondy roughhouse for a bit. Then Simon says he's going to quit the Avengers (again) whatever they intend, and go back to acting. Beast will miss him. But Simon asks Hank if being a superhero is really what a man with his brains wants to do with his life.
Later it's meeting time. Iron Man has been conducting business as Tony Stark, Cap has been working out, and Don Blake arrives in a taxi driven by Jake Lockley. Inside the grounds of the Mansion Dr Blake turns into Thor, undecided whether he wants to be a full-time Avenger again.
Suddenly Lockley is stricken by an urge to change too, into his super-id Moon Knight. He pushes past butler Jarvis and enters the room where the Avengers are assembled. Jarvis also explains that the defense system has inexplicably been turned off. Which also explains why a horde of other heroes follows them in - all having felt compelled to come here.
The gathering includes ex-Champions Angel and Iceman (both also ex-X-Men) and Black Widow and Hercules (both also sometime-Avengers) plus more ex-Avengers Black Panther, Hawkeye and Yellowjacket. Then there are the loners Dazzler and Tigra as well as Moon Knight. Apart from Dazzler and MK with their own series, the other heroes are all currently without permanent gigs.
As the heroes come to their senses Hawkeye, Iceman, Knight and Panther make to leave to attend to their own business. But something stops them, and forces Iceman and Moon Knight to fight. Angel suddenly has to fly, and Tigra tries to catch him. Yellowjacket thinks he knows who's behind this, but is struck dumb. And Jocasta detects another presence that no-one can see - until Moondragon reveals herself.
The last the Avengers heard Heather Douglas went off in to space with the High Evolutionary in Marvel Two-In-One #63. But she says she sensed they were in need of organisation. Raised by the demi-gods of Titan the self-proclaimed goddess, and officially an Avenger-on-call since #151, has come to sort them out.
Moondragon now graciously allows Hawkeye to return to his security job, Black Panther to his UN meeting, and Black Widow to SHIELD. The Big 3 Avengers (Cap, IM and Thor) object to her taking control of their meeting, so she mentally paralyses them and turns her attention to those she has summoned as candidates for team membership.
She gets Dazzler to demonstrate her light powers but then dismisses her. Alison Blaire wonders whether to stay to help the Avengers, but Scarlet Witch tells her to go. Then Wanda demands that Moondragon stops all this.
Iron Man manages to mentally activate his boot jets and shoots through the ceiling. Once outside the Mansion he's free of Heather's control. He electronically jams her brainwaves which causes her to lose control of the others. But she is able to fend off a mass attack. However their ungratefulness convinces her she's wasting her time here. She leaves to do important stuff elsewhere in the Galaxy.
Moon Knight and Iceman are now free to leave as they wanted to, to his cab and an accountancy job respectively. Angel exits too. That leaves Hercules, Tigra and Yellowjacket.
Herc asks Wonder Man who he is. When Simon responds that he's almost as strong as Thor, the demi-god hits him - glad to have found a worthy opponent. After a short fight Hercules buddies up with Wondy, and they leave with Herc offering to introduce him to film producers he knows.
Tigra begs for a place on the team. Cap says they're full, but Beast interrupts to say he's quitting to return to science. But Yellowjacket wants back in, because his scientific career is going nowhere. Then Scarlet Witch and Vision announce they're leaving to find a normal life.
That means there's room on Cap's new 6-person team for Tigra, alongside Iron Man, Wasp, Yellowjacket and Thor (whose renewed membership seems to happen without any discussion - strange since he wasn't sure he wanted in earlier). Cap wonders if Moondragon has continued to influence their decisions, but they have to accept what's happened whatever.
Finally they turn to granting Jocasta a substitute Avenger status. But she's already slipped away.