Comic Browser:


Avengers #298

Dec 1988
Walt Simonson, Tom Palmer

Story Name:



Avengers #298 synopsis by T Vernon
Rating: 4.5 stars
New York City is blistering under a heat wave, crime is up, and the Avengers have disbanded. Edwin Jarvis sits at home with his mother as he has nowhere else to go. The television goes on the fritz so his mother sends him out to find a repairman. He goes to a shop but learns that all of the TVs in the area are not working and there aren’t enough repair people to meet the need. Jarvis decides to visit the Metropolitan Museum and boards a subway; in transit the doors open and Jarvis saves a young woman from falling out. The power cuts out, stranding everyone. Jarvis leads the passengers through the tunnel, avoiding the still-live third rails and up to the street via an emergency exit. The young woman rewards him with a kiss and they exchange names: she’s Glory Garsen. He heads to the Museum but finds it closed as the doors are unable to open. Jarvis decides to attend a movie; he stops by the Daily Bugle, hoping to find a theater schedule and spies some loose bricks falling toward a mother and young child on the sidewalk. He is able to knock them (the bricks) out of the way with his umbrella, helped secretly by Peter Parker. Pete leaves Jarvis with some film recommendations and they go their ways.

After the movie, Jarvis witnesses a payphone attacking a disgruntled user. He feeds some coins into the machine and it releases its victim. Jarvis decides to place a call to one he knows will help and sets up a meeting…

…and that person (it’s Steve Rogers in his “Captain” guise) who returns home, listens to the message then fights off a murderous computer….

That evening, Jarvis is at the meeting place when he spies Glory Garsen trapped between two cars; he dashes over and smashes a taillight with his umbrella and the car backs off. Then a huge green and yellow robot comes rampaging up the street. Jarvis rushes Glory to safety then takes on the robot armed with his trusty umbrella. It nabs Jarvis but the mystery person comes to his rescue, battling the monster and hitting it so hard that the robot reforms into a car. Jarvis tells him about the wave of crazy incidents around the city and the hero doffs his coat and hat to reveal the Captain (told you so) as he dashes off to find more recruits in the battle to come. Glory is impressed with Captain America (she recognizes him in the different outfit) and with Jarvis for knowing Captain America, but mostly impressed with Jarvis himself, asking him to take her home. Jarvis gladly obliges….


Review / Commentaries

Avengers #298 Review by (June 22, 2024)
Comments: Bannered for the INFERNO event. Second appearance of Mrs. (Abigail) Jarvis, after issue #201, she is next seen in AVENGERS 1999 #1. First appearance of Glory Garsen, next seen in issue #325 then AVENGERS 1999 #1 (with Mrs. Jarvis). Peter Parker recommends the movies CROCODILE DUNDEE and WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT? I would concur. Ken Lopez contributed to the lettering.

Review: Lighthearted tale centering on the recently unemployed Edwin Jarvis, making a comic counterpoint to issue #280, which was a more serious review of his career. This issue is rather cute as Jarvis makes like a hero and attracts a fan in the process. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy…plus Captain America jumps in to give us a more traditional lead-in to the next issue, also an INFERNO tie-in.

> Avengers comic book info and issue index


Excelsioring your collection:
DIAMOND SELECT TOYS Marvel Premier Collection: Avengers Endgame Captain America Statue, Multicolor
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Tom Palmer
Tom Palmer
Eliot R Brown
John Buscema (Cover Penciler)
Tom Palmer (Cover Inker)
? (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Layouts: John Buscema. Letterer: Bill Oakley.
Editor: Mark Gruenwald. Editor-in-chief: Tom DeFalco.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.

Captain America
Captain America

(Steven Rogers)

(Edwin Jarvis)