Comic Browser: #43 - In Combat with Captain America! #52 - The night of the Panther #59 - The Torpedo Will Get You If You Don't Watch Out! #60 - Showdown at Sea! #61 - Trapped -- By the Trio of Doom! #62 - Quoth the Nighthawk #63 - The Girl -- or the Gladiator? #64 - Suddenly... The Stunt-Master! #65 - The Killing of Brother Brimstone #66 - ... And One Cried Murder! #67 - Stilt-Man Stalks the Soundstage #68 - Phoenix and the Fighter! #69 - A Life on the Line #70 - The Tribune #71 - If an Eye Offend Thee...! #73 - Behold…the Brotherhood! #105 - Menace From the Moons of Saturn! #107 - Blind man's bluff #163 - Blind Alley #164 - Expose #233 - Armageddon #283 - The American Nightmare
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