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Empyre: Captain America #2: Review

Aug 2020
Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Ariel Olivetti

Story Name:

(No title given)

Review & Comments

4 stars

Empyre: Captain America #2 Review by (November 30, 2020)

Review: See issue #1 for full review.

Comments: EMPYRE tie-in. Story falls between EMPYRE issues #2 and 6. Issue includes a tribute to the late Denny O’Neill (1939-2020). The battle for the Benouville Bridge (later renamed the Pegasus Bridge) was a real event, taking place on June 5, 1944. No idea why Cap and his team are being fried into skeletons on the cover.


Synopsis / Summary / Plot

Empyre: Captain America #2 Synopsis by Peter Silvestro

Captain America and his troops are in San Antonio, Texas, holding off the Cotati when their Kree/Skrull allies arrive in spaceships to attack the enemy from the air. Problem is, the alien allies are not concerned with preserving human life as they go about systematically destroying the city. Cap rebukes the Kree and Skrull captains who resent having to care about the Earth people but they bring news that Shi Qaanth and his army, including a giant monster called the Man of Earth, are marching on Mexico City. Cap contacts General Woodley explaining the situation and Woodley, possessed by the Cotati, promises Cap his full support after he consults with their NATO allies. The Kree/Skull leaders tell Cap they had better contain the Cotati or the aliens will take care of the matter by destroying Earth….

That night, Cap’s squad asks why he needs them since the Super-Soldier can handle anything. Cap tells them of the Benouville Bridge during the war when Cap and a small team of commandos were led into a trap and Cap was trapped by a Nazi weapon; the men should have fallen back but instead they came to Cap’s rescue and half of them died; for every story about Cap’s heroism, he has a story about the people who helped him. They notice Spec. Bennett is missing and find him capturing the minds of other soldiers and the Kree and Skrull allies. They shoot down Bennett and rescue the others but Cap recognizes that General Woodley is also under Shi Qaanth’s control and they race to Brussels…

…where NATO officials are meeting with Woodley. All of the nations there offer military aid but with political conditions attached. Woodley and his corrupted aides erupt into vines to capture the bodies and minds of the leaders present. Cap and his squad arrive to fight the Cotati-controlled soldiers and destroy them. Cap makes a stirring speech and the NATO leaders agree to support him. Meanwhile, the Kree and Skrull captains agree between themselves to let the Earth troops destroy themselves trying to overcome the enemy and then they will bomb the Cotati and Mexico City off the map….

Ariel Olivetti
Ariel Olivetti
Rachelle Rosenberg
Mike Henderson (Cover Penciler)
Mike Henderson (Cover Inker)
Nolan Woodard (Cover Colorist)
Letterer: Ariana Maher.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.

Captain America
Captain America

(Steve Rogers)

Plus: Cotati, Hank Pym (Skrull), Kree, Shi Qaanth.

> Empyre: Captain America: Book info and issue index

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