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Empyre: Captain America #3: Review

Aug 2020
Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Ariel Olivetti

Story Name:

(No title given)

Review & Comments

4 stars

Empyre: Captain America #3 Review by (November 30, 2020)

Review: See issue #1 for full review.

Comments: EMPYRE tie-in. Story falls between EMPYRE issues #2 and 6. Issue includes a tribute to the late Joe Sinnott (1926-2020).


Synopsis / Summary / Plot

Empyre: Captain America #3 Synopsis by Peter Silvestro

The Cotati forces, led by Shi Qaanth atop the mighty giant Man of Earth, are destroying Mexico City when a combination of NATO aircraft and Kree/Skrull ships arrive. The alien allies reveal their plans to leave the bulk of the fighting to the Earth forces while they provide air support, planning to nuke the city and their human allies should they have to. Captain America leaves them with a threat should they bomb the city while NATO forces or civilians are below. Cap leads his troops into battle on the ground against the Cotati, blowing up vehicles to create barriers of fire to contain the enemy. Kree/Skrull ships fire upon the Man of Earth but are unable to damage it and the giant reaches the fault line through the city. Cap leaps aboard an alien flier and heads to the top of the monster where he faces Shi Qaanth. Realizing the villain’s power lies in his staff, Cap smashes it and the Man of Earth crumbles….

The next day, Cap is found alive in the rubble and told they have won. Then a messenger arrives to tell Cap something big is happening in Wakanda….

Story continues in EMPYRE #6.

Ariel Olivetti
Ariel Olivetti
Rachelle Rosenberg
Mike Henderson (Cover Penciler)
Mike Henderson (Cover Inker)
Nolan Woodard (Cover Colorist)
Letterer: Ariana Maher.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.

Captain America
Captain America

(Steve Rogers)

Plus: Cotati, Kree, Shi Qaanth.

> Empyre: Captain America: Book info and issue index

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