Iron Man (1968 series) #252 synopsis by
T Vernon
The new Chemistro (Calvin Carr) is aiming to kill Iron Man when his brother Curtis jars his aim and a truck is turned to glass. The now too-heavy for its frame truck shatters, burying Shellhead in glass shards. When Iron Man finally makes his way through the glass, Chemistro turns his armor into lead. Curtis tries to stop his brother as Calvin demonstrates that the Wizard has converted the original Alchemy Gun into wrist-blasters, and his killing Iron Man will make him a big shot in the world of villainy. The baddie then turns the armor to acid and it burns away, revealing nothing inside—Tony had seized the opportunity to break through the now flimsy lead and escape in his underwear. Tony flags down a lady motorist and he and Rhodey return to Stark Industries....
Tony has Curtis Carr come to his office where he a) promises to rebuild Stark Prosthetics and b) has Curtis brainstorm on a way to defeat Chemistro. As Curtis works on a neutralizer, Iron Man is summoned to face Chemistro who is turning various buildings on the Stark grounds to water and other elements. Iron Man blasts him, hurling him from a rooftop but Chemistro won't let Shellhead save him. Instead he turns the ground below to shock-absorbing foam and lands safely. When Iron Man complains about the property damage, the baddie turns a building into solid gold and it collapses under its own weight. When Chemistro knocks Iron Man down, he quickly turns the ground under him to water and Shellhead sinks—and then he turns the water to steel and the hero is trapped. Curtis gets the drop on his brother but Chem turns Curtis' good foot to glass and it breaks then he turns the neutralizer into smoke. By this time, Iron Man has heated the steel to molten form and bursts out of the metal pool, using his tractor beam to smash the blasters on Chem's hands. The bad guy surrenders....
Later, Curtis thanks Iron Man, his mood not spoiled by losing another foot. Iron Man, curious about the attacks by random villains, heads out to talk to the Avengers....
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Chemistro (
Calvin Carr), Chemistro (
Curtis Carr), Mrs. Arbogast.