is alone at Avengers Compound when Texas Twister arrives, looking for his
beloved Shooting Star. She had been replaced by a demon and now Tex wants to
confront the demon, held captive at the Compound. When Hawkeye says he doesn’t
think that’s a good idea, TT immediately becomes threatening, blowing up into a
twister and forcing Clint to accede to the demand. Clint takes TT down to the
basement where the demon, Riglevio, is held in a special cell. Hawkeye allows
it only if he can stand ready with a special iron-tipped arrow. TT enters the
cage, embraces the demon—then kisses it. The demon transforms into Shooting Star
on the spot. Twister explains that he sold his soul to the demon to
restore his waning powers but when the time came to pay, TT baked so the demon
took Star instead. Tex was prevented from revealing the matter to anyone but
eventually he discovered the means of undoing the spell. But then it is
discovered that the demon, forced out of Star, has now entered Tex as part of a
scheme to get close enough to Wonder Man to possess him and gain all his power.
Tex turns into a twister and pursues Clint and Star through the building and
Hawkeye is at a loss how to stop him with his arrows. He uses a bolo arrows to
halt the twister then iron-tips to nail the demon to a tree. But Hawkeye can’t
bring himself to kill the demon—so Shooting Star steps forward and threatens to
blow his brains out. Riglevio immediately leaves TT’s body and enters a nearby
statue, which Hawkeye plans to mail to Daimon Hellstrom. Tex and Star depart in
Story #2Will You Won’t You Will You Won’t You
Peter Gillis.Penciler:
James Brock. Inker:
Roy Richardson. Colorist:
Paul Becton. Letterer:
Rich Parker.
Story continued from issue #16.
Pamela Douglas relaxes on Titan, her mind shared by her dead cousin Heather alias Moondragon who is awaiting the completion of the new body being grown for her. Pam has a good time playing movie trivia with the world computer Isaac and a chess-like strategy game with Mentor, aided by the spirit of Isaac “Gargoyle” Christians in the amulet around her neck. She also finds herself attracted to Demeityr, the boyish immortal who has befriended her. When the baby is “born” Pam is told Heather’s mind will pass into it and then be remanded to the priests to be raised on Titan while Pam will be sent home. This does not appeal to Pam or Heather. Isaac Christians breaks the stalemate by asks to be the one caring for the baby. The transference is then effected, putting Heather’s mind into the baby….
Pamela takes the baby out on a space flight, being able to communicate mentally with each other but they are captured by The Dance, a powerful and ancient race whose activities are and motives are incomprehensible to outsiders. A column of fusion-level plasma moves toward them and none of them know what it is—but Pam marshals powers she did not know she had and Demeityr appears, having followed them in his ship and they depart, wondering whether the world is ready for two Moondragons….
Story continues in issue #20.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Mentor (