Story #2Lest Tyranny Triumph!
Stan Lee.Penciler:
Jack Kirby. Inker:
Frank Ray. Colorist:
The drugged
Captain America is trained with Nazi commandos for the scheme to assassinate the
Allied Supreme Commander. Elsewhere in the castle
Bucky is led with other prisoners before a firing squad. The
Nazis aim and fire…blanks, to terrorize their victims. Bucky, unterrorized, leads the prisoners against their unarmed foes and overpower them. The
Red Skull brings the hypnotized Captain America to
Der Fuehrer, who panics on seeing his hated foe and orders Cap’s execution as soon as the mission is completed. Bucky overhears the plans for the mission and infiltrates the Nazi commandos in disguise. The enemy parachutes into London and invades the Allied headquarters. Bucky tries to intercept Cap but is delayed by his fight with the commandos. Other soldiers bring Cap into the office of the Allied Commander and confront the General. Cap is ordered to fire his pistol but the drug is wearing off and he can’t, so the Nazis take his hand and squeeze the trigger for him….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: General Eisenhower.