Thunderbolts (2006 series) #131 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
Deadpool is trying to get Norman Osborn to pay for the data he stole from him in Secret Invasion which allowed NO to kill the Skrull Queen and use his hero status to ascend to his current position of power. For his part Osborn wants his Thunderbolts to kill Wade Wilson so he can't tell anyone about it.
Last issue 'Pool defeated the 'Bolts but couldn't bring himself to kill their leader Black Widow because he fell in love with her.
In DP#9 BW flirted with Wade until Paladin joined her. But Wilson teleported to the base of his ally Taskmaster where they continued with a plan that involved both of them dressed as Deadpool (though there seemed to be some confusion in DP's head about whether the aim was to get Osborn's money or make it with the Widow). Wade lost at rock, paper, scissors so he had to go tangle with the rest of the Tbolts while TM met BW. But she tricked him into captivity.
So it's Taskmaster in DP's costume who's strung up in front of Norman and the Thunderbolts (minus Paladin who's apparently injured) on top of the OsCorp building. Widow drugged him but she calculates Wade's healing factor should revive him about now. But of course TM has no such ability. And he doesn't have the teleport device which they let 'Pool steal from them last issue.
In the meantime Ghost has hacked into Deadpool's computer system that they 'liberated' from his place in DP#9. He's confirmed that Wilson is working for Nick Fury (but that was only for the 1 job during SI), but the files don't say where Fury is hiding. Angry Osborn takes it out on Headsman, who responds by preparing to chop DPool's head off with his axe ...
... but then another (the real) Deadpool 'ports in. Confusion abounds.
DP attacks. TM-DP is actually awake and breaks the chains that bind him. He has a hand-to-and duel with Black Widow. The he tips Headsman off his flying disc (as DP did last issue). Meanwhile the real DP tackles Ant-Man (Eric O'Grady), whose response is to shrink and invade his costume. *DP*'s response to that is to keep shooting himself where he thinks AM is - taking *himself* out of the fight temporarily. Ghost keeps out of it because fighting isn't his thing.
Osborn tries to escape in the Thunderstrike plane. The real DP has recovered (healing factor remember) and grabs on to it. BW follows later with a leap into space and a hook and line. Norman gets righteously angry and abandons the controls to attack his foe in a frenzy. So the plane crashes.
Widow chooses this moment to enter and shoot Wade Wilson through the heart, which 'Pool finds poetic. She seems about to finish the job by slicing his head off with a knife when Headsman flies in and does it for her with his axe. BW keeps the head as a trophy.
But then we see live Deadpool getting money to pay Taskmaster out of an ATM. Apparently Wade filched Norman's Gold Card while he was letting him beat him up. (It's going to take a lot of ATMs to provide the amount DP was asking NO for.) DP thanks TM for sewing his head back on (that healing factor again). But TM says it wasn't him, so DP realises it must have been Black Widow. She *must* love him!
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Headsman.