Uncanny Avengers (2015 series) #1 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
A man who is concerned about the environment was dying of cancer when the Terrigen Mist hit. He was reborn in a cocoon as an Inhuman with the ability to revive plants (and maybe more). Next door another cocoon opened too. After that he roamed the world protesting green issues.
8 months later we meet the new Unity Squad:- Steve Rogers leading Dr Voodoo and Rogue from the previous incarnation plus Deadpool, Human Torch, Spider-Man and a new Inhuman Synapse. (We'll see later that Quicksilver is still also on the team, but Scarlet Witch has left).
At the moment they're fighting the Super-Adaptoid in Washington DC. Rogue warns them not to touch the android or it will copy their powers. Synapse can't detect a brain to affect. Johnny Storm hits it with flame, which is enough for it to gain flame powers, but Rogue brings it down. Dr Voodoo's staff kills its organic components, but doesn't kill the android completely.
DrV says the Adaptoid's skin is a sensor, so Synapse takes over a flock of pigeons and covers it in bird-shit. Deadpool exposes the decaying skin of his own arm and touches the android, killing it with cancer. Dr Voodoo and Spider-Man berate him for risking giving the Adaptoid his regenerative ability.
Spider-Man goes further. He can't stand being on the same team as Deadpool. Either DP goes or he does. Amazingly Steve Rogers accepts his resignation, allowing SM to return to his job as bodyguard at Parker Industries. Torch can't help rubbing salt in the wound of his old sparring-partner (assuming it is Peter Parker in the suit).
Rogue questions Steve's decision, and she seems angry about the Inhuman as well. But Rogers restates his confidence in Deadpool and Synapse.
Steve Rogers holds a press conference to introduce the new team (without Torch as well as Spidey), emphasising that they now include 1 of the NuInhumans. In response to a question about most mutants leaving Earth(?) Rogue says it's to avoid the Terrigen Mist. Rogers tries to paper over the cracks in his team.
Spider-Man hasn't left yet and he's chatting with Johnny Storm. We learn that HT has no Fantastic Four to belong to. Thing is in space, and Invisible Woman and Mr Fantastic are gone(?).
Later in New York Rogue apologises to Steve for her outburst. But she still doesn't trust Synapse or Deadpool. Steve reminds her that it is the income from Deadpool merchandise that is funding the team. He doesn't want corporate ties (ie Tony Stark). And the government won't fund them because they know they'll do the job anyway.
We see that their base is in a disused theatre (with a Deadpool shop out front). There's a secret entrance to a below ground area.
We further discover that Rogue is sick (her skin looks like she's caught Deadpool-disease). A diagnostic machine informs her that her Terrigen level is high, and she takes some anti-Terrigen solution.
Dr Voodoo chats with the ghost of the Schaeffer Theatre's owner. The downstairs used to be a mob-run speakeasy. Many people were killed there, including said owner.
Steve joins Jericho Drumm and they discuss absent members. As well as Spidey quitting, Scarlet Witch left. But her brother Quicksilver is just taking the day off.
He's speed-dating around the world, ending up with Synapse in New York. (Except this last 1 isn't a date - it's against Rogers' rules.) Suddenly Synapse collapses, and Pietro rushes her to hospital. But Emily mumbles that the team must go to Boston.
Quicksilver runs there while the rest of the team (including Synapse) travel by helicopter. But Steve stays in the War Room in their HQ. They find the city overrun by vegetation, giant insects and mutated beasts.
Rogue and Torch fly down to attack. En route Rogue broaches the touchy subject of his relationship with Medusa of the Inhumans. The chat is interruprted when Anne-Marie is attacked by a giant bee, until Johnny burns it off. We then get a hint that they were an item earlier.
Quickie is defending people from some wierd animals until Torch drives them off. Pietro explans to Torch and Rogue that the animals are being born from plants (which are probably spread by the large spores floating about). Deadpool, Synapse and Voodoo join them. Again Synapse can't contact the creatures' minds. And DrV senses they are strange also.
In another part of the city a policeman is attacked by giant wasps under the control of a hooded mishapen figure who calls himself the Shredded Man.