In the aftermath of the superhero Civil War and the death of Captain America, Wolverine stops by a museum exhibit honoring Cap for an after-hours visit. Logan’s mind returns to his first meeting with Cap, in Madripoor 1941….
Wolverine meets with Cap and Ivan Petrovich and takes them to a bar where Logan goes out of his way to antagonize Nazi official Baron Strucker. He fills his two guests in on the situation: The Hand is looking for a new ally and thinks they have found one in Strucker. The Nazi now has to prove his loyalty to them…by kidnapping young Natalia Romanoff—the future Black Widow. As the Nazis drive off with Natalia, Wolvie crashes though the windshield to rescue her while Cap and Ivan fight off the surrounding soldiers. Logan appeals once more to the girl to give up the dangerous life but she responds by shooting him in the heart. Logan returns to Seraph and learns that Natalia is working with them, an undercover agent whose mission is to kill Jonin, the Hand’s leader. Wolverine heads over there as Cap and Ivan are about to be executed and crashes the party, freeing the two captives and starting a violent melee. A heavily-armed Seraph arrives and lays down covering fire to help the good guys escape. As Wolverine puts Natalia on a plane out of there, Cap expresses his admiration for his new ally’s skills and asks him if he wants to be Cap’s partner; Logan declines. Later Wolverine meets with Seraph and she tells Logan his true mission: to find out if Captain America can be turned to their cause or replicated. If not, Logan is to kill him….