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Old Man Logan #4: Review

Apr 2016
Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino

Story Name:

Berserker: part 4

Review & Comments

4 stars

Old Man Logan #4 Review by (October 14, 2023)
Steve Rogers has been old since Captain America (2012) #21 where Iron nail caused his Super-Soldiere Serum to fail. Since then he's handed over the role and shield of Cap to Sam Wilson. And he himself has taken the coordinating role of Commander Rogers, sometimes using his zero-point energy shield. This situation lasted through the destruction and recreation of the multiverse in Secret Wars to the current time.

Before his app at the end of last issue he'd been quite busy in the new universe, most recently in Deadpool (2015) #3-5 where the Commander has concerns about part of his portfolio, Deadpool's team of Deadpools.

After this issue SR's new Avengers Unity Division team (including Deadpool) will have their 1st adventure in Uncanny Avengers (2015) #1-4. (DP's new wealth funds the team.)

Kate Bishop moves on to the All-New Hawkeye vol 2 mini-series where she falls out with her mentor (according to him) Clint Barton Hawkeye until they get back together to save the powerful children of the previous series from Hydra and SHIELD.

The Sentinel is actually Cerebra, the successor of the mutant detector system Cerebro. The final scene is a replay of the final a scene of Extraordinary X-Men #1 which was published some months previously. So despite the end of this issue saying things will be continued in #5, actually ExXM#1-7 fit in 1st. There he helps the X-Men defend the mutants who remain after decimation by the M-Pox caused by the release of Terrigen Mists. After *that* he'll continue with #5-7 of this series where he saves this Earth's very young version of his Wastelands wife from Lady Deathstrike's Reavers.


Synopsis / Summary / Plot

Old Man Logan #4 Synopsis by Rob Johnson
Old Man Logan has arrived in the present from his savage future and has set out to stop it happening. Last issue Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) tried to help him find 1 of his targets, Mysterio. But they failed and she was shocked by his savagery. So he left her but was accosted by Old Man Steve Rogers ...

... who wants to know who *this* Logan is. Logan is confused because *this* Steve Rogers is an old man in a uniform that isn't Captain America, and he doesn't remember anything like this in his past so he figures it's a trick. Kate-eye has caught up with them and aims an arrow at Logan, warning Cap that the man is dangerous. Steve has activated his zero-point energy shield and claims to have the situation under control. Logan extends his claws ... and is hit by shield and tranquilizer arrow.

Unconscious, he dreams that his daughter Jadie complains that he let her die.

Then he wakes up handcuffed to a tree near his birthplace in Alberta. Steve says they've brought him here to show him something. They'll uncuff him if he promises to behave. Logan gives his word, but then he attacks the pair claiming that they and this are all Mysterio's illusions. He battles through arrows and shield again and nothing seems to stop him. He breaks Kate's bow (another 1 since he broke 1 last issue). But an electric shock weakens him enough for Cap's fists to finish the job. As he falls he says "I have to stop the future".

This is a surprise to Steve. (But surely Kate's had time to fill him in with what Logan told her last issue.) Logan explains that he comes from the future where nearly all the heroes have been killed, and he has to stop it from happening.

Cap's response is to lead Logan into a nearby wooden cabin. Inside he flicks a switch and the floor descends taking the 3 of them down to an underground area. Steve says that Forge built this place because the X-Men thought it an appropriate place for him to rest in peace. The room contains a body with extended claws encased in adamantium on a pedestal. Steve says that this is Wolverine who died in this reality, so he can't be from this reality's future. (Logan probably remembers dying several times, and recovering, but not *this* death.)

Logan finally accepts the situation. He tells them a bit more about his future - the Wastelands and his family who were killed by the Banner clan, and the flash of white which brought him to this Earth and time. Cap offers to help him but Logan now has no goal, and he wanders out into the wilderness. (His voiceover says he had to convince Rogers not to follow him.)

Over the following months he drifts aimlessly across Canada. Until a familiar scent warns him that a Sentinel is about to attack. But as he launches a pre-emptive strike with his claws the robot astonishingly begs for mercy. And Iceman and Storm ask if it's really him.

Andrea Sorrentino
Andrea Sorrentino
Marcelo Maiolo
Andrea Sorrentino (Cover Penciler)
Andrea Sorrentino (Cover Inker)
Marcelo Maiolo (Cover Colorist)
Letterer: Cory Petit.
Editor: Daniel Ketchum. Editor-in-chief: Axel Alonso.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Kate Bishop)

(Ororo Munroe)

Plus: Steve Rogers (Old self).

> Old Man Logan: Book info and issue index

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