Comic Book: The Amazing Spider-Man (1963 series)

After his debut in Amazing Fantasy #15, Spider-Man gets his own book, and the rest as they say, is history.

Data Sheet:
Mar 1963 to Nov 1998

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.


J. Jonah Jameson
J. Jonah Jameson

(JJ Jameson)
May Parker
May Parker

(Aunt May)

Comics Index

Page: 1 of 19

Indexed Comics: 454

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Amazing Spider-Man, The #1
Amazing Spider-Man, The #1
4 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #1

March 1963
Script: Stan Lee
The story opens with Peter regretting obtaining his powers as he gives a short recap of his origin from Amazing Fantasy #15.  He notes also that since Uncle Ben’s death, he and Aunt May have been struggling financially. [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #2
Amazing Spider-Man, The #2
4 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #2

May 1963
"Duel to the Death With the Vulture!"
Script: Stan Lee
This story opens with the revelation that a new danger has been troubling New York, just as said danger, The Vulture, swoops down and steals a briefcase full of bonds from a pedestrian.  Over at “Jameson Publishing” the head of Now Magazine J. [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #3
Amazing Spider-Man, The #3
4.5 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #3

July 1963
"Spider-Man versus Doctor Octopus"
Script: Stan Lee
The story opens with Spider-Man stopping a good, old-fashioned robbery while thinking that stopping crime has become too easy, almost wishing for someone to come along who could challenge him. [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #4
Amazing Spider-Man, The #4
4 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #4

September 1963
"“Nothing Can Stop…The Sandman!”"
Script: Stan Lee
Our story begins with Spider-Man bemoaning a billboard advertising J. Jonah Jameson’s anti-Spider-Man news articles.  Just then, Spidey spots some crooks about to break in to a store. [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #5
Amazing Spider-Man, The #5
4 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #5

October 1963
""Marked For Destruction by Dr. Doom!""
Script: Stan Lee
The issue opens with a TV program about Spider-Man, sponsored by J. Jonah Jameson, in order to expose Spider-Man as the menace Jonah thinks he is. Peter Parker and a number of his classmates catch the program while at a bowling alley. [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #6
Amazing Spider-Man, The #6
4 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #6

November 1963
"Face to Face With...The Lizard!"
Script: Stan Lee
This story begins in quite a different location, as we open upon a swamp in the Florida Everglades, where a creature calling itself the Lizard is scaring people away from his domain! [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #7
Amazing Spider-Man, The #7
4.5 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #7

December 1963
"The Return of the Vulture!"
Script: Stan Lee
Our story opens with a quick recap of Amazing Spider-Man #2, showcasing how Spidey used the anti-magnetic inverter he built to stop the Vulture in their first encounter. [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #8
Amazing Spider-Man, The #8
4 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #8

January 1964
"The Terrible Threat of the Living Brain"
Script: Stan Lee
The first story begins at Midtown High, where we find a strange machine wheeled into the science class of Peter Parker. Flash Thompson thinks the machine looks creepy to which Peter counters that it’s one of the biggest scientific breakthroughs in recent memory. [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #9
Amazing Spider-Man, The #9
4 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #9

February 1964
"The Man Called Electro!"
Script: Stan Lee
Our issue opens with Spider-Man quickly and anxiously making his way through the city. He swings upon a standoff between the police and some crooks, who surrender upon seeing Spider-Man. Spidey, however, just swings right on by, quickly getting home, and changing to Peter Parker on the way. [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #10
Amazing Spider-Man, The #10
4 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #10

March 1964
"The Enforcers!"
Script: Stan Lee
Our story begins showcasing The Big Man, new criminal mastermind, using his brilliance and resources to pull off a daring crime! He lifts his hired crook, waiting on a flagpole, via a cable to a waiting whirlybird hidden in the clouds. [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #11
Amazing Spider-Man, The #11
4.5 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #11

April 1964
"Turning Point"
Script: Stan Lee
Our story opens with Peter Parker moping at home, pining over Betty Brant, who had left town the previous issue. Peter is snapped out of his thoughts by a news bulletin on the radio, stating that Doctor Octopus is being released from prison today. [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #12
Amazing Spider-Man, The #12
4.5 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #12

May 1964
"Unmasked by Dr. Octopus!"
Script: Stan Lee
Directly following up on last issue, this one begins with a Daily Bugle publication proclaiming how Doctor Octopus escaped during his battle with Spider-Man. Spidey arrives at the Daily Bugle to find the temporary secretary, hired by J. [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #13
Amazing Spider-Man, The #13
4 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #13

June 1964
"The Menace of…Mysterio!"
Script: Stan Lee
Our story begins with a shocking twist, as we see Spider-Man escaping after having just robbed a bank! He webs up the chasing police and swings away into the foggy night! The next day, the public reacts with shock at the apparent confirmation that Spider-Man has turned to crime. J. [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #14
Amazing Spider-Man, The #14
4 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #14

July 1964
"The Grotesque Adventure of the Green Goblin"
Script: Stan Lee
The Green Goblin hatches a foolproof plan to destroy Spider-Man. First he enlists the aid of the Enforcers in his scheme of revenge. Then, he promises Hollywood film producer B.J.Cosmos that he can deliver Spidey as the star of his next picture. [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #15
Amazing Spider-Man, The #15
4.5 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #15

August 1964
"Kraven the Hunter"
Script: Stan Lee
Our story starts with action right away, as Spider-Man discovers a group planning a bank heist. He webs up three of the goons but the fourth jumps out of the window before Spidey can see him, landing on an awning. [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #16
Amazing Spider-Man, The #16
4 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #16

September 1964
"Duel With Daredevil"
Script: Stan Lee
Our story begins with our hero in a rough spot, as Peter Parker gets an earful from his Aunt May, nagging him about going out with Mary Jane Watson. [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #17
Amazing Spider-Man, The #17
4 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #17

October 1964
"The Return of the Green Goblin!"
Script: Stan Lee
Our story begins with Peter Parker in class, distractedly thinking about his last tussle with the Green Goblin, and wondering whatever became of him. [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #18
Amazing Spider-Man, The #18
4 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #18

November 1964
"The End of Spider-Man!"
Script: Stan Lee
Fresh off the last issue, this one opens with J. Jonah Jameson, giddy as can be, reveling in his expose showing Spider-Man as the coward Jameson, and the world now, think he is. We then see the reactions to this news from several notable characters, hero and villain alike. [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #19
Amazing Spider-Man, The #19
4 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #19

December 1964
"Spidey Strikes Back!"
Script: Stan Lee
This issue opens up action-packed from the get-go, as Spider-Man intercepts a fleeing gang of crooks, easily taking them out as the public looks on. Meanwhile, one crook hangs back, making himself seem innocent, as he goes to warn his boss.  We then cut to a nearby lecture hall, where J. [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #20
Amazing Spider-Man, The #20
4 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #20

January 1965
"The Coming of the Scorpion!"
Script: Stan Lee
Picking right up from last issue, Peter Parker notices that a mysterious figure keeps following him around. Back at home, Peter waits until the man leaves, presumably to report to his boss, before switching to Spider-Man and in turn tail him! [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #21
Amazing Spider-Man, The #21
3 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #21

February 1965
"Where Flies the Beetle...!"
Script: Stan Lee
Our story begins with Abner Jenkins, otherwise known as the Beetle, being released from prison after finishing his sentence. Having not been rehabilitated, the Beetle immediately dons his armor once more and sets off to get his revenge on the one who defeated him before, the Human Torch. [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #22
Amazing Spider-Man, The #22
3 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #22

March 1965
"Preeeeeesenting…the Clown, and his Masters of Menace!"
Script: Stan Lee
Our story begins with Spider-Man stopping in on the recently released Ringmaster and his Circus of Crime! Spidey warns them not to try pulling anything like they did last time (referring to ASM #16), while slyly placing one of his spider tracers on the Ringmaster’s hat. [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #23
Amazing Spider-Man, The #23
5 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #23

April 1965
"The Goblin and the Gangsters"
Script: Stan Lee
This story begins right in the thick of it, with the Green Goblin paying a visit to notorious crime boss Lucky Lobo. The Green Goblin offers to take over leadership of Lucky’s gang, in order to take them to new heights. Lucky disapproves of this idea and tells his men to attack the Goblin. [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #24
Amazing Spider-Man, The #24
4 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #24

May 1965
"Spider-Man Goes Mad!"
Script: Stan Lee
Our story begins in the Forest Hills home of Peter Parker, as he worries about the poor financial situation he and Aunt May are in. Peter then goes out swinging as Spider-Man to see if he can get any photos to sell to the Bugle. [...]
Amazing Spider-Man, The #25
Amazing Spider-Man, The #25
4 stars

Amazing Spider-Man, The #25

June 1965
"Captured by J. Jonah Jameson!"
Script: Stan Lee
Our story begins right where the last left off, with Peter Parker heading home after helping Liz Allan in her science studies. Before he heads home, Peter goes to retrieve his spider-signal, which he left on a roof to distract Flash the previous issue. [...]


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