Comic Book: Captain America (2004 series)

Volume 5: after the events of AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED, Ed Brubaker was assigned to restart the series yet again. He introduced the Winter Soldier, leading up to the momentous Death of Captain America storyline. And then, Bucky Barnes wielded the shield to become the new Captain America.

Data Sheet:
Nov 2004 to Jun 2009

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Captain America
Captain America

(Steven Rogers)
Black Widow
Black Widow

(Natasha Romanoff)

(Sam Wilson)

Comics Index

Page: 1 of 2

Indexed Comics: 50

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Captain America #1
5 stars

Captain America #1

November 2004
"Out of Time, Part 1"
Script: Ed Brubaker
Five years ago, communist General Lukin sold secret weapons stored in a secret Russian warehouse to the Red Skull, who also showed interest in a man trapped in a capsule that according to Lukin was used against the U.S. during the cold war. [...]
Captain America #2
3 stars

Captain America #2

December 2004
"Out of Time, Part 2"
Script: Ed Brubaker
Manhattan, 1:15 AM.  The Red Skull has not contacted Crossbones and given the order to execute his latest plan.  While one unnamed henchman voices his concern that something has gone wrong, Crossbones is confident that the Skull will call when he is ready. [...]
Captain America #3
3 stars

Captain America #3

February 2005
"Out of Time, Part 3 of 6"
Script: Ed Brubaker
The Red Skull’s minions in London receive word that their master has been killed (issue #1), making Mother Night the new leader and uncertain of their course of action…. At SHIELD HQ, Sharon Carter is coordinating the search for the Skull’s henchmen. [...]
Captain America #4
3 stars

Captain America #4

March 2005
"Out of Time, Part 4 OF 6"
Script: Ed Brubaker
In New York City, Aleksandr Lukin, wielding the Cosmic Cube and aided by the mysterious assassin, plots a hostile takeover of Roxxon Oil…. Nick Fury asks Captain America to investigate a top-secret matter in Washington. [...]
Captain America #5
4 stars

Captain America #5

April 2005
"Out of Time, Part 5"
Script: Ed Brubaker
After his beating at the hands of Crossbones (last issue), Captain America meets with Nick Fury to track down the mysterious Russian the villain mentioned. [...]
Captain America #6
4 stars

Captain America #6

May 2005
"Out of Time, Part 6"
Script: Ed Brubaker
Underneath Philadelphia, Pa., the mysterious assassin reports to his superior, Aleksander Lukin, as he arms a bomb, leaving the corpse of Jack (Nomad) Monroe as a scapegoat. His next step: dealing with the captive Sharon Carter…. [...]
Captain America #7
5 stars

Captain America #7

June 2005
"Interlude: The Lonesome Death of Jack Monroe"
Script: Ed Brubaker
As Jack Monroe lies dead from a gunshot wound in the parking lot of a bar near Pittsburgh, the story moves on to review his life and career…. One year ago, Monroe was told by Dr. [...]
Captain America #8
4 stars

Captain America #8

July 2005
"The Winter Soldier, Part 1 of 6"
Script: Ed Brubaker
April 1945: a Russian submarine receives a report that Captain America is missing after an explosion in the English Channel. Colonel Karpov orders the sub to head there immediately…. The present: Captain America is in a meeting with Nick Fury and Sharon Carter aboard the SHIELD Helicarrier. [...]
Captain America #9
4 stars

Captain America #9

August 2005
"The Winter Soldier, Part 2 of 6"
Script: Ed Brubaker
At a top secret government re-education facility near Reno, Nevada, the hulking killer known as Crossbones suddenly appears one night kills two guards and enters the facility. He locates a young woman and carries her off…. [...]
Captain America #10
5 stars

Captain America #10

September 2005
"House of M"
Script: Ed Brubaker
As an elderly Steve Rogers is guest of honor at a testimonial dinner, he looks back on his earlier career as the hero Captain America. He recalls that day at then end of the War when he and his partner Bucky leapt aboard Baron Zemo’s drone plane as it took off from the Nazi villain’s island base. [...]
Captain America #11
4 stars

Captain America #11

October 2005
"The Winter Soldier, Part 3 of 6"
Script: Ed Brubaker
At Kronas corporate headquarters, Aleksander Lukin finds himself literally arguing with a voice in his head, aghast at what is happening…. At his Brooklyn residence, Steve Rogers discovers a file sitting on a table. [...]
Captain America #12
4 stars

Captain America #12

November 2005
"The Winter Soldier, Part 4 of 6"
Script: Ed Brubaker
At the Kronas Corporation’s New York headquarters, Aleksander Lukin addresses a gathering of wealthy and powerful business leaders and offers the Cosmic Cube to the highest bidder, the price starting at 100 billion dollars…. [...]
Captain America #13
4 stars

Captain America #13

December 2005
"The Winter Soldier, Part 5 of 6"
Script: Ed Brubaker
In a New York hospital, Aleksander Lukin waits anxiously by the bedside of his aide Leon, whom he inexplicably beat for touching the Cosmic Cube. When he learns that Leon’s condition is still uncertain, he determines that "this cannot continue" and walks out…. [...]
Captain America #14
4 stars

Captain America #14

February 2006
"The Winter Soldier, Part 6 of 6"
Script: Ed Brubaker
Outside the NextGen secure facility, the Winter Soldier fires at the Falcon…and misses, thanks to the hero having been warned by Redwing. He quickly aims at Captain America and sees a red-white-and-blue shield zooming at his head. He ducks and calls out the security forces. [...]
Captain America #15
4 stars

Captain America #15

February 2006
"Red Is The Darkest Color"
Script: Ed Brubaker
Having liberated Synthia Schmidt from the government facility where she was kept, Crossbones tries to reverse her brainwashing. First he shows her film of the Red Skull battling Captain America, while praising the Nazi villain’s vision—then reminds her she is his daughter. [...]
Captain America #16
4 stars

Captain America #16

March 2006
"Collision Courses, Part 1 of 2"
Script: Ed Brubaker
Lawrence, Kansas: Crossbones and the newly restored Sin are on a violent rampage across the Midwest, robbing and killing. Sin guns down a bystander she recognizes and the killers search the victim’s car, finding an AIM outfit…. [...]
Captain America #17
4 stars

Captain America #17

April 2006
"Collision Courses, Part 2 of 2"
Script: Ed Brubaker
The AIM operatives captured by Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter ask for their help in defeating Crossbones and Sin who have taken over their lab. They explain how the entire town of Pilsburg, Iowa is a front for an AIM research laboratory. [...]
Captain America #18
3 stars

Captain America #18

May 2006
"Twenty-First Century Blitz, Part One"
Script: Ed Brubaker
Hamburg, Germany, two months ago: Aleksander Lukin sits in his limo as the Red Skull inside his head calls his attention to a gang of skinheads beating up a foreigner. Lukin dispatches a henchman to take down the thugs and drag the leader, Max Lohmer, over to the car. [...]
Captain America #19
3 stars

Captain America #19

June 2006
"Twenty-First Century Blitz, [Part Two]"
Script: Ed Brubaker
As Captain America battles the new Master Man aboard a ship at the London docks, Aleksander Lukin tells the Red Skull he intends to keep Cap out of the way a little longer by detonating a bomb aboard the ship. [...]
Captain America #20
3 stars

Captain America #20

July 2006
"Twenty-First Century Blitz, Part Three "
Script: Ed Brubaker
At a small airport on the outskirts of London, Crossbones and Sin prepare their vengeance against Aleksander Lukin by filling their small plane with explosives ready to send toward Kronas Headquarters on the night of the grand gala…. [...]
Captain America #21
3 stars

Captain America #21

September 2006
"Twenty-First Century Blitz, Part Four"
Script: Ed Brubaker
The new Sleeper awakened by the Red Skull is on a violent rampage in downtown London; it’s target? Kronas Headquarters, to the consternation of Aleksander Lukin. The Skull assures him it is a brilliant part of the plan…. [...]
Captain America #22
3 stars

Captain America #22

September 2006
"The Drums of War, Part One of Three"
Script: Ed Brubaker
Sharon Carter has a meeting with a SHIELD staff psychiatrist for a psych evaluation in view of recent events. She tells the doctor that her troubles have been building for some time, ever since she was called on the carpet by SHIELD Director Maria Hill…. [...]
Captain America #23
3 stars

Captain America #23

October 2006
"The Drums of War, Part Two of Three"
Script: Ed Brubaker
The Winter Soldier (James "Bucky" Barnes) scales the wall of a downtown building and breaks into a high window, using a small device to pass the security system; he crawls though the vents and into what turns out to be a secret SHIELD monitoring station. [...]
Captain America #24
4 stars

Captain America #24

November 2006
"Drums of War, Part 3"
Script: Ed Brubaker
SHIELD Director Maria Hill summons Sharon Carter to a meeting aboard the Helicarrier. [...]
Captain America #25
5 stars

Captain America #25

March 2007
"The Death of The Dream, Part One"
Script: Ed Brubaker
After surrendering to Iron Man's pro-registration forces (which ended the Superhuman Civil War), Steve Rogers AKA Captain America was put under arrest. But instead of facing a military tribunal, Rogers is sent to the Federal Courthouse in Manhattan to be arraigned in a public hearing. [...]
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