Comic Book: Invincible Iron Man (1996 series)

As part of Marvel's HEROES REBORN initiative, Iron Man's series was rebooted under Image Comics creator Jim Lee for a thirteen issue run.

Data Sheet:
Nov 1996 to Nov 1997

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Iron Man
Iron Man

(Anthony Stark)

(Robert Bruce Banner)
Doc Samson
Doc Samson

(Leonard Samson)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 13

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Invincible Iron Man #1
3 stars

Invincible Iron Man #1

November 1996
"Heart of the Matter"
Script: Scott Lobdell
Many years ago, one of Tony Stark’s closest friends – Connor "Rebel" O’Reilly – was accidentally killed during a trial run of Stark’s experimental Prometheus armor. This incident turns Stark into a shallow individual obsessed with money. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #2
3 stars

Invincible Iron Man #2

December 1996
"Hulk Smash!"
Script: Scott Lobdell
The child-like Hulk misconstrues Stark's concerns about Liz's safety for hostility. Hulk warns the "Iron Man" to stay away or he'll be smashed. Despite Stark's best intentions, he ends up fighting the Hulk. Fortunately, he is able to knock the Hulk out temporarily with his repulsor rays. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #3
3 stars

Invincible Iron Man #3

January 1997
Script: Scott Lobdell
The Fantastic Four learn of the disturbance at the Buffalo annex of Stark International and convince Nick Fury to allow them to investigate. Jasper Sitwell is not happy about this - noting he "allowed" them here as a favor to Fury. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #4
3 stars

Invincible Iron Man #4

February 1997
"Bring Me the Head of the Hulk!"
Script: Scott Lobdell
Liz Ross visits her father, Chief of Staff "Thunderbolt" Ross, in the hospital following his heart attack. Despite the fact he's hooked up to an oxygen tank, he continues smoking cigars. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #5
3 stars

Invincible Iron Man #5

March 1997
"Inherit the Whirlwind"
Script: Scott Lobdell
Stark's day begins by searching for the missing Hulk - last seen in issue #2 - at the bottom of the Hudson River. When he returns to his yacht, he finds Liz Ross waiting for him with a small firearm trained on him. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #6
3 stars

Invincible Iron Man #6

April 1997
"Industrial Revelation! (Industrial Revolution Part Two)"
Script: Scott Lobdell
(Continued from AVENGERS Vol. 2 #6)The Human Torch remains outside the facility and absorbs all the excess heat given off by the gamma core, dispersing it as best he can.Inside, Thing is returned to his teammates after being launched into the air by an unsuspecting god of thunder. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #7
3 stars

Invincible Iron Man #7

May 1997
"Look Back in Anger"
Script: Jeph Loeb
Mandarin tries to intimidate Madame Hydra by appearing as a gigantic dragon but she doesn't scare easily. Now that they have one another's measure he wants to know why she sent Whirlwind to kill Tony Stark when she knew Mandarin wanted him alive. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #8
3 stars

Invincible Iron Man #8

June 1997
"Rebel, Rebel"
Script: Jeph Loeb
Rebel attacks Tony in the skies over Manhattan. Stark uses his armor to scan his opponent and cross-checks with O'Reilly's medical records. They are a perfect match. It's not a clone or an impostor; it's actually Rebel back from the dead. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #9
3 stars

Invincible Iron Man #9

July 1997
"Rebel Without a Cause"
Script: Jeph Loeb
Stark brings Rebel to the Baxter Building and enlists the help of Reed Richards to learn who resurrected him. With Rebel's armor running out of power, Stark takes a desperate gamble and links his suit with Rebel's. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #10
3 stars

Invincible Iron Man #10

August 1997
"Dead Man Walking"
Script: Jeph Loeb
Stark and O’Reilly take the fight back to Hydra. They fly to the Forbidden City in China where they are met by the Titanium Man and Crimson Dynamo. After a brief battle, they continue on to Hydra's lair.New York: Jennifer Walters and Bruce Banner meet Dr. Leonard Samson at his office. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #11
4 stars

Invincible Iron Man #11

September 1997
"Magical Mystery Tour"
Script: Jeph Loeb
Doctor Doom exults over the death of Iron Man and orders Rebel O'Reilly to strip him of his armor; here we learn that Tony and Rebel had switched armors and it is Rebel lying dead on the table. Tony quickly dons his armor and challenges Doom in his own throne room. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #12
4.5 stars

Invincible Iron Man #12

October 1997
"Matters of the Heart"
Script: Jeph Loeb
Story continued from AVENGERS Vol. 2 #12.At the Baxter Building, Tony Stark meets with the Fantastic Four and the Hulkbusters to ponder why each of these college friends has gained superhuman powers and their lives are still intertwined. [...]
Invincible Iron Man #13
3 stars

Invincible Iron Man #13

November 1997
"World War 3, Part 3: No Time to Mourn!"
Script: James Robinson
Story continued from AVENGERS Vol.2 #13 Mr. Fantastic and his team (Thor, Scarlet Witch, Spartan-America, Triton, Fuji, Hellstrike) arrive at the nexus of all realities in the Negative Zone. Just beyond this point lies the inter-dimensional lock holding their worlds together. [...]
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