Cyclops, gorged with the Phoenix power he now only shares with Emma Frost, found his way last issue through the dimensions to K'un Lun to take back Hope Summers. Iron Fist and Iron Man try to stop him while Hope tries to find Lei Kung.
Also last issue Black Panther, Captain America, Prof X, Storm and Wolverine went back into Magik's hell in Russia to rescue Spider-Man, who had stayed behind to hold off Colossus and Magik while everyone else escaped. They found him battered but still alive, while Colossus and Magik had fought each other and lost their portions of the Phoenix Force. Charles Xavier now commits himself fully against the remaining Phoenix 2.
The other half of that duo is on Utopia Island revelling in enforced adoration by a bunch of X-Men. Only Cannonball slightly resists but Emma Frost soon changes his mind, literally. Magneto objects to her misuse of the Phoenix Force which they had originally used to improve the world. But she silences him too.
In K'un Lun Cyclops now faces Hawkeye, Thing and Thor still recovering and angry from their treatment by Magik. They fare no better than the previous 2 Avengers. But Hope has found Lei Kung, and now they appear riding on Shao Lao the dragon of K'un Lun. The dragon's fire causes Cyclops some difficulty, but not for long.
At last Hope faces Cyclops, and discovers that she can now project dragon fire herself. But she runs away into the arms of Scarlet Witch with Beast and Iron Man. Wanda stands up against Cyclops, but finds she can't hold him off with his increased power.
Suddenly Hope leaps in with a martial arts move, and hits Cyclops with an Iron Fist imbued with the Witch's Chaos Magic (which the caption dubs the Chaos Fist).
The blow sends Cyclops to the Moon, where the Watcher watches him lie unconscious for an hour before speeding back to Earth to find Emma Frost.
The away team (including Dr Strange who I guess was holding the gateway open for them) return from Russia to learn what Hope just did. Meanwhile in Utopia Magneto sends a telepathic call for help to Prof X.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Boom-Boom (
Tabitha Smith), Hepzibah, Lei Kung, Magma, Velocidad.
EnemiesPlus: Phoenix Force.