Nick Fury relates the early history of SHIELD. Strangely his story includes lots of stuff he wasn't actually there for. But this provides the opportunity to tie in some other bits of Marvel history.
His story starts in 1944 where he and the Howling Commandos were trying to stop Baron Strucker from destroying a French town and killing all its inhabitants. Strucker's pride had made him accept a challenge of single combat from Sgt Fury, while the town blew up around them, and the Howlers helped the townsfolk escape. They were both buried in rubble, but Fury dug himself out and joined his men. Strucker also survived, but having disobeyed Adolf Hitler's orders to wipe the town out he was now on the run.
When they return to England, Fury is hauled over the coals by Col Rick Stoner of Army Intelligence for his usual maverick attitude (and disrespect for superior officers). He is imprisoned for striking Stoner, but then pardoned. We see Nick's young brother Jake in the army reading about this, and complaining that Nick always gets the breaks.
Later Hitler visits his bio-geneticist Arnim Zola, who is giving the Red Skull a suspended animation potion for use if necessary. Zola has also created a clone of Hitler, to which Adolf's mind will be transferred if he dies.
After Hitler leaves, Baron Strucker comes out of hiding. Red Skull has started up Hydra as a secret society in Japan, to carry on if Nazi Germany fails. He agrees to send Strucker there to lead it, while he himself remains in Germany. Zola thinks they are traitors at first, but Skull convinces him that Germany is losing the war, and he agrees to join forces with the other 2.
After some activity during the end of WWII, Hydra goes underground until the Marvel Age.
They resurface in a low-key manner, sending non-uniformed operatives to steal hi-tech info. At one point this brings them into conflict with the early Iron Man in his bulky golden armour. Worried about the increase in industrial espionage, and rumours of Hydra, Tony Stark proposes SHIELD to the President. But it is vetoed for now.
At the same time Jake Fury is working as a scientist for Stark, trying to tap into an energy source. He sees the shape of the Zodiac Key in the energy field, which makes him think of a scorpion.
Then Hydra makes a strike (in costume) at a joint US/Canadian research base, and steals the prototype armour designed by James Hudson (later Guardian of Alpha Flight). Agent Logan of Canadian Special Services and Col Rick Stoner, now of the CIA, are sent to retrieve it. They succeed, but the incident changes the President's mind about SHIELD.
SHIELD will have an inner council of businessmen and world leaders. Stark will get the businessmen involved, including their contributing to the agency's funding. The choice of leader of SHIELD is between 2 CIA Colonels, Nick Fury and Stoner. Stoner gets the job. He also gets his pick of agents from other intelligence agencies, and trains them personally.
One bunch he does turn down is ex-Howlers Dum Dum Dugan, Gabe Jones and Eric Koenig.
During one raid on Hydra in America, Stoner finds a Roxxon business card, but keeps the information to himself for now.
Meanwhile Stark is busy designing and building SHIELD stuff like the helicarrier and the flying cars. With help from Reed Richards and Forge, and Jake Fury who shares Stoner's dislike of his brother Nick. A test of the flying car prototype goes wrong, and Stark suspects sabotage. He asks Stoner to investigate.
Rick suspects Roxxon involvement, and sneaks aboard a Roxxon ship where he finds Hydra soldiers and a shipment of weapons. And then he sees Jake Fury bringing SHIELD blueprints to Hydra. Rather than slip away with his discovery, Stoner attacks the enemy, and then flees, wounded, in a non-flying car. He makes it to Stark's mansion, but dies before he can divulge what he's learned.
Back in Japan, Arnim Zola reveals some of his inventions to Strucker. The Deltite is an android, based on the Life Model Decoys Stark developed for SHIELD, with Strucker's brain patterns. They will infiltrate it into SHIELD. There is an 'alien queen'. And there is a survival mechanism for Strucker, to rival that for Hitler and the Red Skull.
Stark and the President attend the launch of the SHIELD helicarrier. Which blows up. The President wants Nick Fury to find the saboteur within SHIELD.
Fury is then in action with the Fantastic Four against the Hate-Monger in South America. When he is killed they discover he's Hitler's clone. When Fury gets back the President and Stark put him on the case. But they don't actually tell him about SHIELD, just that there's a traitor in Stark's organisation.
Nick first goes to see his brother Jake, just missing seeing him on a video call telling Strucker that the Deltite LMD is in place. But Jake's overreaction to Nick's presence tips him off that Jake's up to something. He tails Jake to the waterfront and photographs him handing over more blueprints. But Nick is spotted and captured.
Jake is about to shoot Nick in the head, but Nick moves his head aside at the last minute. The muzzle flash reactivates an old eye injury, as the bullet hits one of the guys holding him. But Nick is still able to use the confusion to break free, grab a gun and shoot everyone but Jake.
The brothers fight, as Jake spews out the inferiority complex-fueled hate for Nick that led him to seek power via Hydra. But even with one eye blinded Nick beats his younger brother, as he always did when they were kids. Nick retrieves the gun and prepares to take Jake in. But Jake says he won't be taken alive, and Nick just can't shoot him. Jake promises he'll be back to kill Nick, and dives into the river. Nick takes the evidence against his brother to Stark.
Narrator Fury remarks that Jake's hatred will lead him to complete the experiment that leads to the Zodiac Key, and he will return to harass SHIELD as Scorpio.
Nick's eye injury doesn't get better, and from now on he wears an eye-patch. The SHIELD helicarrier is launched without any more sabotage. And Stark and the President decide to call on Fury to be the new boss.
Nick at last learns about SHIELD and Hydra. He is taken to the helicarrier where he is greeted by Tony Stark and the SHIELD council, and offered the job as Director. He also discovers a bomb in the meeting room, and throws it out of the ship. Fury takes the job, and recruits some of his Howlers.
His narration tells how Stark gradually stops involving himself in SHIELD business, and later an inner council is set up to oversee Fury. The Deltite LMD starts replacing SHIELD agents with LMDs loyal to it, including some of the inner council. They use an LMD of Fury to try to take over Stark's company because Tony had stopped supplying them with weapons.
When Nick works out what's going on, the Deltite LMDs turn SHIELD against him. They won't kill him because they want the Infinity Formula that keeps him young. But Fury 'kills' the original Deltite LMD, ending the menace. But SHIELD is ruined.
However before long they're back, with Fury in charge again. Nick gets Tony Stark to investigate the remains of the Deltite LMD. He finds a microchip which displays a holographic message from Strucker. Strucker says that the whole Deltite affair was a smokescreen to hide his resurrection. The story about aliens supplying the tech for both SHIELD and Hydra was disinformation. And then the remains of the LMD self-destruct.
Then Nick persuades Tony to take a bigger role with SHIELD again.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Howling Commandos, Rick Stoner.
EnemiesPlus: Scorpio (
Jake Fury LMD).