Barton returns from his trip to Paris only to be punched in the face by his
wife, Bobbi Morse for knocking her out and heading to Paris against her advice
(issue #3). Clint goes to Francesi’s flower shop to buy a bouquet to make
amends to the missus; a gang of masked punks walk in and start breaking things,
intending to chase Francesi out of the neighborhood. Clint jumps in and fights
them off until, distracted by the discovery that the gang leader is a teenager,
he is thumped on the head. Francesi doesn’t want the police called so Clint
plans to handle it as different way….
Hawkeye and Mockingbird watch over Francesi’s shop from across the street and
see a limo pull into the lot, with two goons bringing in the teenaged gang
leader, Puentes. To their shock the heroes discover that Francesi is a
gangster, running an extortion racket against local businesses and the teen
gang was fighting against that. Suddenly, a masked man calling himself
Blind Justice bursts in and, using an electro-shock gun, starts fighting the
Francesi’s men, intending to kill the gang boss. Hawkeye and Mockingbird join
in to battle the goons. Francesi flees, Blind Justice pursues, Hawkeye follows.
Hawkeye catches up to the vigilante holding the gangster at his mercy. They
debate the morality of justice until Francesi suffers a heart attack. Justice
walks away and Hawkeye takes the stricken man to the hospital. When they learn
he has died, Puentes cheers but Hawkeye is bummed. After they leave, a wreath
is delivered to Francesi, courtesy of Blind Justice….