Comic Browser: #14 - Burn, Namor ... burn #20 - In the Darkness Dwells... Doom! #21 - Invasion From the Ocean Floor #22 - The Monarch and the Mystic! #23 - The Coming of Orka #24 - The Lady and the Tiger-Shark #25 - A World My Enemy #26 - Kill! Cried the Raven #27 - When Wakes the Kraken! #28 - Youthquake #29 - Fear Is the Hunter #30 - Calling Captain Marvel #31 - Attuma Triumphant #32 - Call Her Llyra, Call Her Legend #33 - Come the Cataclysm #34 - Titans Three! #35 - Confrontation #36 - What Gods Have Joined Together!
> Sub-Mariner comic book info and issue index
Listed in Alphabetical Order.