Thor, Sersi, and Karkas are traveling
through the New York City subway tunnels in search of the city of the
Deviants. But it's a trap and Deviant warriors ambush the trio; Thor
and Karkas fight them, Sersi, no fighter, panics and flees. Karkas is
trapped and electrocuted (non-fatally) and the Thunder God
surrenders, handing his hammer over to Warlord Kro who raises it
and crows about his victory....
All of this is seen from Asgard, Odin
staring into the fires of Mimir, Sif and the Warriors Three wish to
go immediately to Thor's aid but Odin denies them. Assigning them
other missions he sends them forth....
Kro presents the captives, bound with
Belts of Bemusement, before the Deviant leader Brother Tode. Kro, who
once was in a relationship with Thena, suggests she can go free if
they rekindle the romance; she is swift to tell him they are never,
ever getting back together. Tode orders the prisoners put in the
atom-displacer; Ikaris appeals to Tode to team up with the Humans
against the Celestials and Tode refuses since they have the hammer of
Thor to use against their enemies. At this point, the captive “Thor”
reveals himself to be Sersi in disguise and the hammer only a walking
stick. Dr. Donald Blake jumps out from concealment and tries to grab his
stick from Kro; falling, the stick hits the ground and Don is
transformed into the God of Thunder. Thor leads the heroes in battle
against the baddies; Kro releases a four-armed giant Mutate called
Metabo who takes down Thena, Sersi, Karkas, and Reject in seconds as
it can absorb the power of Eternals and hurl it back. Ikaris takes
him on and is just as easily defeated; it is Thor, who is not an
Eternal, who can overcome the monstrous Metabo with his strength. Kro
sets the place to self-destruct while Tode and his consort Dracona
abandon the Warlord to escape via rocket sled. Thor leads the heroes
up through the shattering sidewalks and they levitate into Thena's
ship where they decide to go to Olympia, main homeland of the
Eternals, where they shall seek aid....
[The incredible vanishing hostage: I'm
sure Margo Damian was in this issue but I don't know where.]