Comic Book: Thor (2018 series)

After the brief Marvel Legacy run which restored the original numbering, Thor showed up again with a brand new issue #1.

Data Sheet:
Jun 2018 to Aug 2019

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.



(Loki Laufeyson)

Thor #1
Thor #1

(Jun 2018)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 16

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Thor #1
4 stars

Thor #1

June 2018
"God of Thunder Reborn"
Script: Jason Aaron
Having reclaimed his mantle as God of Thunder, Thor is in Thailand on his new mission to recover various lost treasures of Asgardia. Trying to recover the Wizard's Eye from the temple of Cyttorak pits him against the Juggernaut. [...]
Thor #2
3.5 stars

Thor #2

June 2018
"The Odinson Boys Ride Again"
Script: Jason Aaron
Prologue: a mysterious prisoner rides a train along the Helway, threatened by fire goblin guards.... In Hel, Thor is reunited with his deceased brother Balder the Brave and Skurge the Executioner. Suddenly, they are attacked by firepedes piloted by goblins. [...]
Thor #3
3.5 stars

Thor #3

July 2018
"A Lovely Day in Hel for a Wedding"
Script: Jason Aaron
There is a wedding in Niffleheim: Hela, Goddess of Death is marrying Balder the Brave, with proud father Loki giving away the bride and Thori as the flower girl.... Earlier the proceedings were less peaceful: Thor was fighting his vicious nephew Fenris Wolf. [...]
Thor #4
4 stars

Thor #4

August 2018
"War in Hel"
Script: Jason Aaron
Hela tries to call of her wedding to Balder now that her boyfriend Thanos has arrived but Karnilla insists it is still on. They are interrupted by the attacks of the Queen of Cinders, leading the invasion of Hel. [...]
Thor #5
4.5 stars

Thor #5

September 2018
"Old Gods"
Script: Jason Aaron
Many years ago, Thor and Wolverine sat drinking together, talking about the best bar they’d even been to (Logan’s was in Sampan in 1944, Thor’s in Iceland in the days of the Vikings). Logan’s melancholy mood is broken by the arrival of some extremely unlucky armed robbers. [...]
Thor #6
5 stars

Thor #6

October 2018
"Midgard's Final Doom"
Script: Jason Aaron
On New Midgard at the end of time, the humans are surprised to see the godlike Doctor Doom come down among them. Doom realizes this garden Thor has created sits on the site of Latveria and he burns it to the ground with the wave of a hand. [...]
Thor #7
3.5 stars

Thor #7

November 2018
"Young Thor's Lament"
Script: Jason Aaron
A tale of young Thor: In Asgard, Odin passes judgment on a trio of Dark Elves who tried to assassinate him. He declares them guilty and immolates them on the spot. Odin then looks around and realizes his son Thor is not there to learn the lesson.... [...]
Thor #8
4 stars

Thor #8

December 2018
"Prison of Angels"
Script: Jason Aaron
Thor is being tortured both physically and mentally with incessant voices demanding he renounce Asgard and mocking him for losing his hammer.... Jane Foster goes to the hospital for her latest treatment accompanied by Thori, Thor's murder dog.... [...]
Thor #9
4 stars

Thor #9

January 2019
"The Woman with the Vibranium Gun"
Script: Jason Aaron
Roz Solomon responds to a call for help from Roxxon's evil CEO Dario Agger whose conscience was finally bothering him after being partners with Malekith. Now that she's there, however, he denies everything.... [...]
Thor #10
4 stars

Thor #10

February 2019
"A Boy and His All-Father"
Script: Jason Aaron
Weeks ago in the ruins of Asgardia, All-Father Odin, brooding over his failures as a god and a father, ordered his brother Cul Borson to infiltrate the Dark Elves as a way of redeeming himself; Cul suggested that Odin killing himself would be the easier option. [...]
Thor #11
4 stars

Thor #11

March 2019
"The Eve of War"
Script: Jason Aaron
Thor searches the interior of the sun, hoping to recover the lost Mjolnir; Freyja his mother advises him instead to prepare for the coming War of the Realms but Thor still depends on a mighty weapon to face the enemy when he invades Midgard. [...]
Thor #12
3 stars

Thor #12

April 2019
"The War of the Lokis"
Script: Jason Aaron
Loki finds himself in an eerie wasteland, unaware of how he got there. He is in the center of a field of Dark Elf and Troll corpses and is met by Viking-era Loki who tells him that he caused this war for fun after being defeated by Thor over the matter of Erika the Red (issue #7). [...]
Thor #13
3.5 stars

Thor #13

May 2019
"The Ballad of Cul Borson, God of Fear"
Script: Jason Aaron
Cul Borson, the Serpent, the God of Fear, looks back over his long and disappointing life.... As a kid he challenged his younger brother Odin: Odin can hit him with any weapon of his choosing and then Cul gets to return the favor. [...]
Thor #14
4 stars

Thor #14

June 2019
"To Hel with Hammers"
Script: Jason Aaron
Young Thor is once again trying to lift Mjolnir and once again he is not yet worthy. Then Mr. Fantastic and the Thing arrive to summon him to a battle in the future, producing Toothgrinder as proof they they are telling the truth. [...]
Thor #15
4.5 stars

Thor #15

July 2019
"War's End"
Script: Jason Aaron
The War of the Realms is over and Thor has been named the new All-Father by Odin; he is uncertain about this and strikes the newly reforged Mjolnir and vanishes. [...]
Thor #16
3.5 stars

Thor #16

August 2019
"Once Upon a Time in Asgard"
Script: Jason Aaron
Thor is helping rebuild a small church that was destroyed in Mississippi while in Asgard everyone is wondering why he hasn’t shown up for the big celebration to honor him as the new All-Father. Odin especially is yelling, as he is accompanied by Young Thor and King Thor…. [...]
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