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Defenders, The (1972 series) #117

J. M. DeMatteis | Don Perlin

Defenders, The (1972 series) #117 cover

Story Name:

The Gift


Defenders, The (1972 series) #117 synopsis by Peter Silvestro
Rating: 4 stars

The Defenders (Doctor Strange, Valkyrie, Hellcat, Gargoyle, Over-Mind) assemble in a glade in upstate New York where Strange reveals a hidden mystic flame, designed as a memorial to their deceased compatriot Nighthawk/Kyle Richmond. Strange speaks a brief eulogy. Over-Mind, the fusion of multiple telepathic minds known as the Chorus, allows one of his selves, Mindy Williams, a former friend of Kyle’s, to emerge and she apologizes to Kyle for the suffering she caused him in her madness. She merges back into Over-Mind who announces that his various selves have unfinished business to deal with so he starts to leave but Gargoyle and Strange insist on going with him. They fly off, leaving Hellcat and Valkyrie alone. Val wants to have a heart-to-heart talk with Patsy, the kind they used to have. Patsy seems reluctant….

Over-Mind chooses the boy Phillip LeGuin to start with. They go to Lakewood, New Jersey, where Phillip approaches his friends who are playing basketball. But since they have been told he was dead, they all panic and flee. Dr. Strange tries to explain to the boy that as far as everyone is concerned he is dead but Phillip runs off to his home. He climbs through a window to reveal himself to his parents but his mother faints and his father rebukes him, taking him for a sadistic prankster. Strange erases the memory of this incident from the parents’ heads and Isaac assures the boy it is time to depart. And he agrees….

Interlude: In South Carolina, the mysterious Elf drives Luann Bloom in his Model T Ford to seek information he says will tie the Defenders to the death of her client Kyle Richmond. They drive through an old barn and into another dimension….

As Val and Patsy return to the city, they spot the police pursuing a car full of crooks. Delighting in adventure, Val swoops down on Aragorn and brings the bad guys to a halt, deflects their bullets, and subdues them for the cops. Hellcat took no part in it and just wants to go home. Val tries to stop her and Patsy yells, “Get your hands off of me!” and flees, stunning Val. Val pursues Patsy, and they talk while soaring over the city, Hellcat on her cords and Val on Aragorn. Patsy explains that she can now see into Val’s soul and Val is not the same person she was friends with over the years, having restored her original body and soul, and the new Val scares Patsy. Val grows angry and picks Patsy up and carries her off on winged horseback….

Over-Mind brings Strange and Gargoyle to the South Bronx where Ursula Richards grew up. Left on her own at an early age by her parents’ deaths, Ursula had worked hard to be able to move out of this area but her singlemindedness left her without friends. The memory drives Over-Mind into a rage and he begins to demolish abandoned buildings; the neighbors, long disgusted with the city’s slowness in tearing the building down, cheer. But Dr. Strange calls to Ursula to stop, showing Over-Mind that there were children playing in one building and only his quick weaving of a protective spell around them saved them from harm. Gargoyle sympathizes with her motives but notes it went in the wrong direction. They depart….

Val takes Patsy to the beach where the Defenders first encountered Omegatron and the amnesiac Val began to forge a new life for herself. And she reveals that through it all, Patsy was her best friend. They hug….

Back at the Sanctum, the Chorus of psychics that make up Over-Mind realize that, with their new status, they have much to learn and so ask Strange and Isaac to be their friend. Val, Patsy and Wong walk in and the men introduce Over-Mind as the newest Defender….

Good (or All)
Plus: Elf with a Gun, Mindy Williams.

> Defenders, The (1972 series) comic book info and issue index

Defenders, The (1972 series) #117 cover

Excelsioring your collection:
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Main/1st Story Full Credits

Don Perlin
Jack Abel
George Roussos
Don Perlin (Cover Penciler)
Jack Abel (Cover Inker)
George Roussos (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Shelly Leferman.

Review / Commentaries

Defenders, The (1972 series) #117 Review by (November 26, 2024)

Review: Another unusual issue, this one giving lessons in the importance of friendship. It starts with them all remembering their late (for now) friend Kyle/Nighthawk then Over-Mind’s collective minds needing some closure in what is essentially a search for friendship. Then Val and Patsy have to reforge a friendship after Val’s change of identity broke everything. Yet it doesn’t feel like the typical all-ages comic, providing a rather adult take on the subject (at least until the last panel where everyone virtually hugs).

Comments: Nighthawk/Kyle Richmond died in issue #106; the six psychics did also, fused into Over-Mind shortly thereafter. Luann Bloom met the Elf in issue #115. Valkyrie was merged with her original body in issue #111. Valkyrie joined the Defenders in issue #5. The letters page includes one by a Greg Cox who may be the writer of comics and TV tie-in novels, for Marvel, DC, and STAR TREK.

The oddest detail is the two psychics named Phillip LeGuin and Ursula Richards. If you swap the names you get Ursula LeGuin, a noted science fiction writer, and Phillip Richards, which, if the name is shortened into a common nickname, yields Philip [K.] Dick, another sci-fi legend. Yet another psychic is Theodore Kroeber, which is the name of a famous anthropologist and father of Ursula LeGuin. The names of the other three, Mindy Williams, Georgia Orr, and Al Gentle, don’t seem to involve any oddities.


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