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Defenders, The (1972 series) #115

J. M. DeMatteis | Don Perlin

Defenders, The (1972 series) #115 cover

Story Name:

A Very Wrong Turn


Defenders, The (1972 series) #115 synopsis by Peter Silvestro
Rating: 4 stars

In the alternate universe, the Defenders and the Squadron Supreme witness as Kyle Richmond discovers he is not the Nighthawk of the Defenders but Nighthawk of the Squadron Supreme. But his memories are scrambled so he cries out for understanding. The psychic collective within Over-Mind explains that Defenders Kyle has been dead since issue #106, he is President/Squadron Kyle. The man who was assassinated was an artificial construct created by Null as a temporary hiding place while it gathered its power. The Chorus, led by Mindy Williams, explains how they tried to save Defenders Kyle by pushing him into the Squadron’s world but it went wrong and the bad guy August Masters was transferred, which drove him mad so that he wanted to kill President Richmond. The Chorus came over and discovered that in taking control of President Richmond’s mind, Over-Mind erased his brain so Mindy et al imprinted their Kyle’s mind onto the other Kyle’s brain. So the teleporter is repaired and the Defenders ready to go home, leaving the bitter Nighthawk in his own world and his own misery…but a bug (literally) gets into the works…

…sending most of the team (Doctor Strange, Hulk, Son of Satan, Silver Surfer, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Over-Mind, and August Masters) back to their point of origin in New York City…

…while Sub-Mariner, Valkyrie, Beast, and Gargoyle find themselves in a cartoonish fantasy land. Val calms down Namor, enraged as he is at more of the usual complications to his simple life. They attract a crowd and the Lord and Mayor, Greeneggs, who speaks in rhyme, welcomes them to Here, his sidekick Annham recognizing the visitors as “They.” Namor considers this all a shared hallucination though the others aren’t so sure. Greeneggs shows them a book (“Stan Lee Presents Myths, Legends, Predictions, and Funny Things”) which contains their pictures as the “They” of prophecy, who would arrive in the time of war. The enemy is Easyread the First, Mayor of There, who threatens them with his great monster Thornton. Namor explodes at this nonsense and refuses to help even if it is real, making the locals cry. Namor receives a scolding from Gargoyle. Namor just wants to go home but the way out is via the magical Ruby Sneakers, held by Easyread in his castle. Val, Beast, and Gargoyle are willing to go along with this as it looks like more fun than they have had in a long time. And so there is a celebration of the next day’s mission….

Interlude: Kyle Richmond’s nurse Luann Bloom is certain that the Defenders had some hand in Kyle’s death. She arrives at a midnight rendezvous to find her mysterious informant is an elf….

The next day, the heroes are to set out across the sea to invade There in a non-violent attack. They mount cute cartoon fishes to cross the sea but Namor figures it will be easier for him to swim so he dives in and discovers the sea isn’t water but strawberry malted. But their enemy, Easyread, who speaks with an Elmer Fudd inflection, sees them coming and makes his own preparations. So the Defenders and the others encounter the monster Thornton who traps the smaller creatures in bubbles from his bubble pipe. The Defenders try to topple him but they are covered in sticky stuff and held motionless while Thornton goes about his favorite activity: teaching. He natters on endlessly about one subject after another until the heroes fall asleep. Meanwhile, Greeneggs and Annham enter the castle, capture Easyread, and spank him until he promises to end the war. Everyone gathers at the castle and the Defenders ask what the war was about and Easyread explains that it was because both villages claimed that the land they lived in was Here and the other one was There. Namor throws a massive tantrum and wants to wreck the place until he is presented with the magic Ruby Sneakers. The others talk him into putting them on (they are his exact size) and repeating the incantation (“There’s no place like the place I came from before I came here”) and they are magically whisked back to their New York HQ, arriving only seconds after all the others. This finally convinces Namor that it was all a mass hallucination…until Gargoyle points out that Namor is still wearing the Ruby Sneakers. They all laugh at him….

Good (or All)
Plus: Elf with a Gun, Mindy Williams, Nighthawk (of SSOA), Squadron Supreme.

> Defenders, The (1972 series) comic book info and issue index

Defenders, The (1972 series) #115 cover

Excelsioring your collection:
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Main/1st Story Full Credits

Don Perlin
Hilary Barta
George Roussos
Don Perlin (Cover Penciler)
Hilary Barta (Cover Inker)
George Roussos (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Shelly Leferman.

Review / Commentaries

Defenders, The (1972 series) #115 Review by (November 12, 2024)

Review: Well, this is different. After an unpromising exposition heavy finale to the Squadron Supreme story arc, we switch gears very rapidly into a comic adventure that likes of which have not been seen since the Steve Gerber days. And it is a delightful romp, culled from the imagery of Dr. Seuss, children’s author extraordinaire, with the humorless Subby acting the foil for the fun. A real delight that could have been heavy-handed but stays fresh.

And as another nod to Gerber, Elf with a Gun returns.

Comments: Part four of four parts. The Squadron Supreme universe is Earth-712. The Squadron Supreme members are: Hyperion, Power Princess, Doctor Spectrum, Whizzer, Lady Lark, Nuke, Golden Archer, Tom Thumb, Amphibian, Arcanna, Cap’n Hawk. The Defenders’ Nighthawk/Kyle Richmond died in issue #106. The fantasy world is inspired by the works of children’s author Dr. Seuss (Theodor Seuss Geisel, 1904-1991, to whom the issue is also dedicated); the characters named Greeneggs and Annham being an obvious reference to Seuss’ Green Eggs and Ham. The Ruby Sneakers, however, are a reference to the Ruby Slippers from THE WIZARD OF OZ. Beast’s mention of “Door Number 3” is a reference to the game show LET’S MAKE A DEAL, off and on American television since 1963. An Elf with a Gun appeared intermittently between DEFENDERS #25 and 46; this is a new one, for another writer, who will be around until issue #125. Beast echoes the phrase, “Plunk your magic twanger, Froggy” from the children’s show ANDY’S GANG (1955-1960). 


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