Thor flies around Chicago getting a feel for the city before
changing back into Dr. Donald Blake. He addresses the surgical seminar on the
fine line between holding the patient’s confidence and admitting to one’s
mistakes. He goes to dinner with Dr. Shawna Lynde and she takes him around the
city; at the University of Chicago she mentions that it was where the atom bomb
experiments took place (this is important later). They stop to watch a movie
being shot in the University stadium, a horror picture called THE ZANIAC CRAVES
BLOOD, with star Brad Wolfe as the title monster/slasher, hoping this will be
the big break in his career. During a scene where the Zaniac chases a victim across
the stadium, a carelessly discarded cigar ignites a box of explosives and the
bleachers are destroyed but the blast, combined with traces of uranium and
heavy water, convinces Wolfe that he really is Zaniac, a serial killer of women
and he also has the power to make a dagger materialize in his hand. He chases
Shawna, fighting off men who go to her rescue and drags her to an alley to kill
her. Don becomes Thor and pursues, driving the killer away from his intended
victim. But the madman sees Thor’s long blond hair and mistakes him for a young
woman wearing a mask and attacks him, surprising the hero with his inhuman
strength. The monster decks Thor and flees; the Thunder God turns Shawna over to
the police and finds the movie’s director. Figuring the maniac is following the
script, he learns that the next scene has the Zaniac invading a woman’s hotel
near the Loop. Thor heads there and finds Zaniac has fought off the police and
driven all the women to the rooftop to murder one-by-one. The two grapple and
fall from the roof to land on the L tracks. A train approaches and Thor lifts the
tracks so that the train passes over himself and the Zaniac. The villain
generates one knife after another to hurl at Thor who whirls Mjolnir, sending them
back at his foe and knocking Zaniac to the street below. The rescued women cheer….
Epilogue: Don tends to Zaniac until the ambulance arrives.
Then he and Shawna are happy to find each other safe and sound and Don decides
that Chicago needs Thor as much as New York does and decides to stay….