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Avengers Forever Infinity Comic #4: Review

Apr 2022
Jason Aaron, Kev Walker

Story Name:

The avenging Part 4


Avengers Forever Infinity Comic #4 Synopsis by Rob Johnson
Previously:- On Earth-5478 the Multiversal Masters Of Evil killed the 1 Million BC Avengers (as they do on others Earths), preventing all (or most of) the future superheroes. This time they left Odin's hammer Mjolnir intact. Ghost Goblin of the MMOE rules this transformed Earth. In the present a (very) deep miner named Horus found Mjolnir and was deemed worthy to be Thor. But GG defeated the neophyte hero who fell from the sky to his death back in the deep mines. But not before sending Mjolnir out into space where it met another Mjolnir.

Now the denizens of the underslums hold a funeral for Horus as deep as they can go. Normally the body would be placed in a stone boat and set adrift on a lava flow. But they have no body for Horus whose fall was so far that it left him but a smear on the ground. The mourners can't understand how a deep miner got up into the sky. Some say he found a weird gem which changed him.

Then a hooded mourner claims it was a hammer. The others are suspicious of this woman who seems to be 1 of the surface-dwelling highborn. She lowers her hood and claims to be from further away than that. She's come to pay her respects to a fallen son of thunder. And she'll make them a promise which they'll know when they hear it.

And she bursts out of the deeps on her war-goat for she is Atli, 1 of the Goddesses Of Thunder. She summons thunder and lightning and a rain which brings abundant water all the way down to the deep mines. She joins her sisters Ellisiv and Frigg on their flying ship. They seek vengeance on the Ghost Goblin but he has slipped away to another of his multiversal holdings.

The Mjolnir of their grandfather King Thor (of an alternate future) led them to this Earth (so presumably that was the hammer this world's Mjolnir met last issue). Ellisiv bemoans the fact that they keep coming to worlds that have already been ruined by the MMOE. Frigg says the point of this quest seems to be to collect Mjolnirs. She believes they're building an army, and that they're not the only ones.

Now we jump to the gulf between universes where Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes) is driving his Hell Charger car. On board are Ant-Man/Tony Stark of Earth-818 and a Deathlok. Tony has just been told that there are versions of him on other Earths that aren't Ant-Man. Deathlok says that he exists on most Earths - he's 1 of the pillars of existence, an Omni-Avenger. Tony wonders if some of them might be rich. DL avoids that by saying that every Tony Stark is unique, as is every T'Challa, Thor Odinson and Carol Danvers. But they all share a need to end this multiversal conflict, the battle for Infinity's End. Robbie, now evolved into the All-Rider, just concentrates on driving the car, especially when they're plunged into a multiversal storm.

Meanwhile in the tower at Infinity's End in the God Quarry the Avenger Prime is talking to Captain (Peggy) Carter. AP lists the troops we've seen above which CC doesn't think is enough. He agrees that they'll have to recruit more, all the Avengers in the multiverse, before the enemy lays siege to the Quarry. They'll need more hammers, more Riders, more Starks, more pillars, and more of the spirit of defiance that inspired all Avengers.

And we see the underclass of Earth-5478 rising up from the deep mines to assault the towers of the surface-dwelling elite.


Review / Commentaries

4 stars

Avengers Forever Infinity Comic #4 Review by (April 15, 2022)
All-Rider (Robbie-Reyes), Ant-Man (Tony Stark of Earth-818) and the Deathlok are driving away from Earth-818 which they liberated from Black Skull in Avengers Forever #4. The Goddesses Of Thunder were there to help them. This is the 1st time we've actually seen the Avenger Prime, but we still don't know who's inside the cloak. But we met this version of Captain Carter at the end of that issue as she welcomed the Earth-818 versions of Moon Knight and Vision to AP's army.

AP here refers to the Deathlok as the *last* DL. In Avengers #50-54 we saw a bunch of Deathloks sent by AP to Earth-616 to warn the Avengers about the Multiversal Masters Of Evil. This DL is indeed a survivor of that group, but technically he's not the only 1. Another's body died but his mind has taken over(?) the brain of the dead Celestial which serves as Avengers HQ. Besides which I'm sure those DLs were supposed to be just a part of an army of them spread throughout the multiverse.

Captain Peggy Carter currently has her own series set in an alternate timeline where she received the super-soldier serum instead of Steve Rogers, and she's currently a UK superhero.

Jason Aaron invented the Goddesses Of Thunder and their grandfather King Thor, plus a future Wolverine/Logan who possesses the Phoenix Force (which was important to AvF#4). He's now wound them in to the current Av/AVF storyline. At the end of his mini-series the far future King Thor sailed off into the heart of the universe "to hold up all of creation itself for all time so that life might have the chance to endure". So my current best guess for the identity of Avenger Prime is *that* Thor.

> Avengers Forever Infinity Comic comic book info and issue index


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Holy smokes, Batman!
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Kev Walker
Kev Walker
Dean White
Kev Walker (Cover Penciler)
Kev Walker (Cover Inker)
Dean White (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Joe Sabino.
Editor: Tom Brevoort. Editor-in-chief: C. B. Cebulski.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.

Ant-Man (Tony Stark 818), Captain America (Peggy Carter), Deathloks, Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes), Goddesses of Thunder.