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Hulk (2008 series) #50

on-sale: Jun 1, 2012
Jeff Parker | Carlo Pagulayan

Hulk (2008 series) #50 cover

Story Name:

Haunted Hulk, Part 1


Hulk (2008 series) #50 synopsis by Peter Silvestro
Rating: 4 stars

Sleeping with Annie the LMD under the Southwestern stars, Thunderbolt Ross is suddenly awakened by a shadowy figure in the night but decides it was a dream and goes back to sleep….

At Gamma Base, Ross with Annie and Machine Man are studying a holo-map, searching for the escaped villain Zero/One while getting reports on Black Fog, also in hiding. Suddenly Machine Man shifts into weapons mode and fires on Ross, who spied his actions in the reflection of a tablet device and quickly hustles Annie and a soldier out of the way. He transforms into Red Hulk and smashes Machine Man to pieces. As Rulk spies the shadowy figure departing the robot, MM wants to know what just happened….

The next day, Iron Man, Daredevil, and Spider-Man are training on the Avengers Mansion grounds when Red Hulk lands and asks where to find Doctor Strange. They direct him to his home on Bleeker Street and Rulk is gone in a flash….

Wong announces the arrival of Rulk to Doctor Strange. Soon, they are talking about Red Hulk’s ability to see ghosts ever since his encounter with Blackheart. Strange lights some incense and asks Rulk to find an inner calm. He scans Ross’ memories until he comes to a time when Ross and his daughter Betty went hiking together, finding peace together, at least until she transformed into Red She-Hulk and bounded off to another appointment. At this point Rulk thinks Strange is trying to learn too much about him and wonders if Strange is trying to reform the Defenders with Betty as his Hulk; he crashes out through the ceiling and away….

He lands in a street not far away where ghosts approach him, revealing they are the shades of soldiers who died under Ross’ command. Their leader is the ghost of Glenn Talbot, who took on Ross’ war against Hulk while Ross himself joined the enemy by becoming a Hulk. A ghostly version of the Abomination assaults Rulk. The spirits are driven off by Dr. Strange employing a magic light that burns them away. Strange now understands what these ghosts are and that they have been set upon Ross by a powerful entity that attached itself to him when he left the afterlife…and we see this entity is watching them from a nearby rooftop….

Good (or All)
Plus: Annie.


Story #2

The Objective

Writer: Jeff Parker.Penciler: Dan Adkins.


By Peter Silvestro
Rating: 0 stars

Colonel Thunderbolt Ross leads an elite team into the Pyrenees Mountains in Catalonia to retrieve a mysterious artifact. They approach a castle through a field of bones and discover the door nailed shut from the outside. They break into the castle and their science guy Volatzin uses a magical device to find their objective: the Orkosk Eye, a spider-like amulet with a jewel in the center, sitting on the ribcage of a medieval skeleton. Private Mellon carefully removes it with a knife and goes to put it in a box but it jumps on his chest, possessing him and turning him into a huge horned monster. It starts killing the soldiers and, learning from Volatzin that it can only be removed from a dead host, they shoot the Mellon-monster down. Volatzin gets too close and the amulet leaps to him, transforming him into a tentacled monster. Ross and Barlow are the only survivors at this point but Barlow refuses to use a machine gun lest he damage the objective. Ross drags him out and realizes Barlow has a secret mission of his own, ordered by the General to ensure that someone touches the amulet to see what happens. As they quarrel, the monster seizes Barlow and Ross shoots both of them to pieces, then he crushes the Orkosk Eye under his foot….

With the Orkosk Eye gone, the castle is now safe for the Moksha Vampire Sect to occupy as their fortress….

Back at the Pentagon, Ross accuses Brigadier General Nelson of sabotaging the mission by sending Barlow to test the cursed artifact on his men. Nelson orders Ross’ arrest but it is Nelson who is taken into custody as Barlow’s diary reveals the truth. Ross is offered Nelson’s position, in charge of experimental armaments. Ross agrees as long as it is kept to science, something they can control….

Good (or All)

Story #3

Catching Up with Jeff Parker

Writer: Jeff Parker. Penciler/Inker: .


By Peter Silvestro
Rating: 3 stars

An interview with the writer of the Red Hulk series since issue #25.

Story #5

Bring on the Bad Guys!

Writer: Jeff Parker. Penciler/Inker: Gabriel Hardman. Colorist: Bettie Breitweiser.


By Peter Silvestro
Rating: 4 stars

Character profiles of villains Zero/One, General Fortean, Omegex, Black Fog, and Sultan Magus, all introduced in this series.

> Hulk (2008 series) comic book info and issue index

Hulk (2008 series) #50 cover

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Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Main/1st Story Full Credits

Carlo Pagulayan
Jason Paz
Val Staples
Carlo Pagulayan (Cover Penciler)
Jason Paz (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Clayton Cowles.
Editor-in-chief: Val Staples.

Review / Commentaries

Hulk (2008 series) #50 Review by (December 31, 2024)

Review: So ghosts are after Red Hulk. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. The story is largely setting up the arc and mostly involves Dr. Strange doing his thing and discovering ghosts. Plus there’s a totally gratuitous trio of cameos of Spidey, Iron Man, and Daredevil to direct Rulk to Strange’s house; it’s cheaper and easier than having them cameo in a movie but the movie would have more of a point to it. The second story is a nice prequel to the whole thing; the painted art is well done though a bit too brightly colored. Stay tuned for a reappearance of the Moksha Vampire Sect.

Comments: Zero/One and Black Fog escaped at the end of issue #48. Red Hulk battled Blackheart in VENOM (2011) #13-14 (which includes #13.1-4). Issue includes a reading chronology of trade paperbacks collecting the HULK (2008) series.


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