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Secret War #5: Review

Dec 2005
Brian Michael Bendis, Gabriele Dell'Otto

Story Name:

Secret War Book Five


Secret War #5 Synopsis by Peter Silvestro

SHIELD Agent Daisy Johnson is being interrogated by Commander Maria Hill about the events of the evening; a sullen Daisy is defiant under questioning….

Six hours earlier: the bomb created by linking the armors of the assembled supervillains has detonated according the plans of Lucia von Bardas. As the cyborg villainess revels in her vengeance, Daisy Johnson arrives and uses her mutant ability to create seismic waves to cause von Bardas’ power source to explode from within. As heroes and villains pull themselves together, Captain America demands that Nick Fury explain what this was all about. Moments later, Wolverine arrives with some X-Men to add his voice to the crowd. Fury explains how one year ago he had assembled a secret group of heroes to overthrow the government of Latveria to prevent terrorist attacks on America; once there, the good guys fought the bad guys and Daisy Johnson uses her powers to destroy von Bardas’ castle. Then the heroes (except for Cap and Daisy) were mindwiped to keep the mission a secret. Tonight’s attack was retribution for the secret war. Wolverine, enraged at having his mind tampered with leaps forward and eviscerates Fury with his claws; Daisy retaliates by causing Logan’s heart to explode. The dead Fury is revealed to be a Life Model Decoy and the real Nick broadcasts a farewell as he announces he is going into hiding….

An angry Maria Hill, now acting head of SHIELD, concludes her interrogation of Daisy and dismisses her from service. Daisy then takes a secret call from the fugitive Nick Fury….

Additional material:

Character bios of Nick Fury and Daisy Johnson.

Transcripts of conversations between Jasper Sitwell and Scorcher and Maria Hill’s report to the President.


Review / Commentaries

3.5 stars

Secret War #5 Review by (January 9, 2014)
Review: And so it goes. Again, terrific gritty art by Gabriele Dell’Otto atones for Bendis’ story. A lot of fighting and one-liners, and the lengthy big revelation tells us readers nothing we didn’t already know from issues #1 and 2. Production delays (note the dates on the issues—five issues were stretched out over more than a year and a half) cut the impact of this “event” severely and it ended up as merely an explanation for why we didn’t see so much of Nick Fury during Civil War and other events. This miniseries had promise but ended up going off the rails somewhere along the line.

> Secret War comic book info and issue index


Excelsioring your collection:
Diamond Select Toys Marvel Gallery: Beast PVC Figure, Multicolor
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Gabriele Dell'Otto
Gabriele Dell'Otto
Gabriele Dell'Otto
Gabriele Dell'Otto (Cover Penciler)
Gabriele Dell'Otto (Cover Inker)
Gabriele Dell'Otto (Cover Colorist)


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Hank McCoy)
Captain America
Captain America

(Steve Rogers)

(Scott Summers)

(Matt Murdock)
Human Torch
Human Torch

(Johnny Storm)
Invisible Woman
Invisible Woman

(Sue Storm)
Kitty Pryde
Kitty Pryde

(Kate Pryde)
Mr. Fantastic
Mr. Fantastic

(Reed Richards)

(Ben Grimm)
White Queen
White Queen

(Emma Frost)

(James Howlett)

Plus: Daisy Johnson, Lucia von Bardas.