Comic Browser:


Thor #139

Apr 1967
Stan Lee, Jack Kirby

Story Name:

To Die Like A God!


Thor #139 synopsis by Marvelite Indexer
Rating: 3 stars
Image from Thor #139
Just before Thor becomes Don Blake, Sif uses her powers to teleport them to the troll kingdom, where the enchantment won't take effect.

In Asgard, the trolls press their attack, using Orilak's ulti-force cannon to drain Odin's scepter of power.

In the troll kingdom, Thor reclaims his hammer but Orikal has duplicated Mjolnir for Ulik. The two battle hammer-to-hammer, but Thor is superior. 

Thor smashes into Orikal's prison and agrees to liberate him if Orikal leaves. Orikal agrees, and notes that once he is gone the troll weapons will be powerless. Orikal departs and Thor demans Geirrodur's surrender, forcing the trolls to flee from Asgard.

Story #2

The Secret of the Mystic Mountain! (Tales of Asgard series)

Writer: Stan Lee. Penciler: Jack Kirby. Inker: Vince Colletta. Letterer: Art Simek.


By Arcturus Jackson
Rating: 5 stars
The merciless dictator Mogul of the Mystic Mountain learns that intruders have trespassed into his forbidden realm; he summons the Enchanted Crystal and discovers that his visitors are Thor and the Warriors Three, whom he encountered earlier (issue #137). He summons his Jinni Devil and dispatches it to destroy his foes. Meanwhile the heroes are searching for the Mystic Mountain as directed by Wazir the Prophet but are puzzled to find only a flat, barren plain. Thor thinks he has divined the secret and brings his hammer Mjolnir down on the ground, scattering the crust. Below is revealed a plain of gleaming crystal—and the city of Zanadu lies within a stalactite extending downward as an inverted mountain. An opening appears but before they can descend into the city, a giant figure rises from the depths—the deadly Jinni Devil….


Review / Commentaries

No review at this time.

> Thor comic book info and issue index


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Warriors Three
Warriors Three

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Plus: Geirrodur, Mogul of the Mystic Mountain.

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