Thor finds Balder and the Warriors Three who warn him about the Thermal Man's might. The military attacks the Thermal Man, to no avail. Thor rallies his friends against the Thermal Man, but they cannot defeat him. The Chinese, who now fear the Thermal Man will get so powerful they will not be safe from him, provide a special missile that, launched by a jet plane, disables the robot.
Thor switches to Don Blake to help a wounded soldier, but while he's away the Thermal Man revives and attacks Balder and the Warriors Three. Seeing Balder in danger, Karnilla transports him and the Warriors Three to her palace, which so upsets Loki he ends his alliance with her.
Hearing that the Thermal Man has revived, Blake becomes Thor, leads the robot to the waterfront, and summons up a tidal wave that washes the Thermal Man out into the ocean. It drifts to the far north, where it is frozen in ice.